
Is there any way to get your cat to cover their p**p..?

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i just recently abdopted a flame tailed siamese kitten (about 4-5 months old) and i notcied that she doesn't cover her p**p... and it really stinks... she use to live with 2 other cats, one being much older than her and then her twin brother... i know that it is normal... i just want to know if i can get her to cover it up...?




  1. wow.i thought they just knew that they had to cover it.when my cat didnt have a litter box she always covered her p**p with the mat or something but now we bought her a litter box and we just put it in the bathroom and she started using it and covering it! it was really amazing..maybe like try showing ur cat like a video abt a cat using the litter box....

  2. Try putting more litter in the box, she may not have enough to be able to brush it over.

    If you have an open box you could also try getting one with a lid that has a slot for an odor filter on it. I have one for my cat-- the bad odors float up and are absorbed by the filter.

    You could also put a plug-in air freshener in the room where ther box is.

  3. ewwy... lols she or he will learn in time next time u see it go in the litter box show it and eventually she or he will catch on it takes time trust me i got my kitten at 7 days old  

  4. Good question, I also have a cat who doesn't cover.  I just keep adding deodorizer into the litter pan to help neutralize the odor.   I have also thought of getting an automatic litter pan that will scoop out the p**p as soon as she gets out of the box.

  5. i have heard tell before that sometimes if a cat doesnt cover it could be a sign of illness.  our cats however all all fine ( i know because they have recently gotten their yearly check up and shots) but i think they are just to lazy to cover.  they are affraid that they might step in something and they are to proper to get dirty...LOL

    seriously though, if your cat is healthy it could just be that they were never taught by their mom or litter mates, to cover it up. some just dont care.  i have noticed with ours that the other cats will cover it for them. teamwork?  who knows.  good luck hope this helps some

  6. She is probably used to the older cats doing it for her. I have noticed this in my 6 cat community. The younger ones don't cover so the older ones do it for them. Also if they don't cover and it stinks I go in and do it so I think they figure why bother someone else will do it for me. It may also be that they have been taken away from their mother before she taught them that part.

  7. Kittens should remain with their mothers to learn as much as they can.  Cats cover their f***s to keep it hidden from predators.  She never learned this.

    Great; another back yard breeder not being responsible.

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