
Is there any way to have someone addmitted to a rehab without them being able to sign themself out?

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Is there any way to have someone addmitted to a rehab without them being able to sign themself out?




  1. If the person is over 18 and legally sane, the only way I know is if it's court ordered in lieu of jail time.  Besides, you can soder someone up but you cannot make a person stay sober.  That's someone people have to want for themselves.

  2. depends on who the person is.  a husband or parent can at times have someone commited.  They are normally held on a 72 hour hold.  

  3. yes

  4. If the person's condition is severe enough to warrant an extended stay, the doctor in charge of that person will have the person stay until his/her behavior shows enough improvement for the person to be discharged safely from the facility.

  5. you can if it's serious and they are in danger of hurting themselves or others.  

  6. Not if this person is an adult. In some states, two or more adult family members can petition a judge to send another adult family member to rehab. That rehab might last a week or so. After the week or so, the person can be let go or sign himself/herself out.

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