
Is there any way to help the situation (inflation and people going hungry) in Zimbabwe?

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Like an authentic charity to buy food for people who cannot afford it?




  1. Despite what people such as infobroker are saying there are many respectable charities that do a great deal of good, even among corrupt governments. Here are a couple of good ones to start with.

  2. Yes, put a bullet through Mugabe's head.  He caused it when he took the farmland from the white farmers in a political move.  Zimbabwe was the breadbasket of Africa up until that point.  Tiny little problem.  The "peasants" that he gave the land to don't know how to farm and now Zimbabwe starves.  

    Score another defeat for socialism.

  3. Yes, there are excellent organizations that deliver food, medicine and clothing to those in need.  

    Global Aid Network is one of them.

    I have personal experience with this humanitarian aid organization and have delivered food to needy places overseas.  They have the integrity that many organizations lack.

  4. The only way to help the country is a coup or a revolution to get a pro-capitalist president in.

    Charities in africa FREQUENTLY get their food diverted to the government, military, or others and it never gets to the needy.

  5. This is something first world countriers just never get.  It is very noble and very kind.  But that poor starving kid never, and i mean NEVER see one morsel of that food or aid send there.  Who gets it.  The gov takes it and sells it to fill their pockets with even more money.  The only way to stop this is to take over the country.  What realy upsets me, I come from a third world country and I get why first world countries want to help.  But good heavens why don't you help your own starving people, homeless first.  Why try and save the rest of the world if by just a little effort your own people and your own country could be fixed.

  6. I know the answers you are getting sound negative but I agree with them. Thatcher was right you have to deal with dictators not negotiate with them.

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