
Is there any way to improve circulation to the eyes?

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I went blind in one eye, and the doctors told me it was caused by poor blood circulation.

I have increased my exercise and improved my diet, and some of my vision has returned.---Now I would like to find drugs and/or nutrients that might help restore good circulation.




  1. Bilberry increases circulation to the eyes and makes your blood vessels stronger and more flexible. It's also used for night blindness and there was a report that it was used during World War 2 for the pilots to help their night vision.

    Hot pepper{I use Tabasco sauce in water with a water chaser} is a catalyst for all herbs and increases circulation.

    Now eyes have cones and rods that get replaced daily and these are replaced by carotenoids such as beta carotene. A carotenoid complex is great for the eyes and Spirulina has 8 of them Alpha-carotene,Beta-carotene,Gamma-carot... and lutein.

    I wear contacts and they are less dry and a lot more comfortable since I've taken these daily.

    To Katie: You missed the warning on Ginko. It thins blood so people on blood thinners shouldn't take it and in a small % of people it causes headaches. Some people have found it removes headaches.

  2. There is a product that contains four herbs and is applied as a patch at night. It is called Oculax. The ingredients salvia miltiorrhiza and ligusticum improve microcirculation. The pressure from the patches stimulates accupunture points. The treatment together is good. I have used them and like the relief and comfort I get. Some studies in China have been done which support the claims of reduced interocular pressure, but the product is not advertised for this in the US.

    If you wish to used whole, dried herbs, you can also purchase the two mentioned herbs, along with Chrysanthemum flowers and Angelica sinensis at a Chinese Herbal Phamacy. The herbs are brewed to make tea. Taste is not so good. Then you can also have your acupuncture doctor stimulate the proper points with needles.

  3. Curry, carrots, vitamin A &E, cayenne pepper, milk thistle, completely cut out caffeine, cocoa is okay it isn't a man made caffeine

  4. yes there is..this formula was published in sam biser's newsletters and thousands wrote in to say they were cured of every type of eye problem from diabetic retinopathy to cataracts to glacoma, some had been blind form birth or blinded later in life.  It healed a baby the doctor said had no optic nerve and would be blind for life and the baby regained its eyesight.

    It works best with all the other things.

    1. the formula is the eyebright formula by Dr Richard Schulze who worked with actually sick and dying people and has 20 years of clinical experience

    you get it at (go to the products page) here is the link (bottom left of page and scroll down

    you need an eye glass cup preferable glass.  you follow the directions

    “My patients would mix 2 to 10 drops of the tincture into an eyecup and fill it with room temperature distilled water. They would hold the eyecup up to their eye, tip their head back and open their eye under the solution (it would burn a little at first). Then they did eye exercises while under the solution, looking left and right, up and down, circles left and right.” — Dr. Schulze

    it definitely increases circulation to the eyes as their is nothing better than cayenne for not panic..I was scared to use it but one day I accidentally was preparing my first habanero peppers (the hottest pep-er there is) and I accidentally rubbed my eyes and got it in my eyes.  I could not open them for an hour even to see to get help and thought I might be blinded but in an hour or less  I was able to open my eyes and I could see fine.  I looked at my eyes and they were very clear and felt great,  I

    I figured well now the worst has happened, I can certainly handle the eyewash formulas after that and I did it and it was nothing at stung a little for a few big deal

    He has tried i with cayenne a hundred times the dose and demonstrated it on a healing video he had out,. No harm comes to the eye at all.

    2. with it take ginkgo biloba which increases circulation to the might take some cayenne by mouth with it as a study showed that ginkgo helped like 38% of the time but when taken with Cayenne was something like 90% effective,..cayenne is a circulatory herbs and a catalyst herb which means it makes any herb or supplement taken with it work better as t plows though the sludgy blood like drano  building the oxygen and nutrients to the organ, in this case the eye, and removing the wastes and toxins.

    3 use a slant board daily lie on your back head down (as in a teeter tooter with you head touching the ground but use something safer.

    4, take three cups of raw carrot juice preferable organic (you might want to buy it in 25 lb bags) daily

    5 also take 2 dropperfuls (about 6 drops of the eyebright formula by mouth.

    although this was not part of the program he recommended, I would also take with it, bilberry (bet to use organic tincture or make it if you can not find it using bulk herbs bilberry and 80 proof vodka made form grain..blend to a standing mix of when it settles the herbs take up the bottom 50-75% of the glass bottle and the liquid settles to the top 25-50% of the not expose to light..shake it several times a day...after three weeks strain it and label the bottle with the contents and put an expiration date 5 years from when you strain it (it will last over 50 years though probably...100 year old tinctures have been fine)..keep it a bag or cupboard or a dark glass bottle o paint he bottle as light harms it...take 2 dropperfuls (60 drops) 3-5 times a day..if you weigh a lot over 150 use clark's rule for dosing (example--300 pounds double it so take 120 drops 225 take 90 drops per dose) get your bulk herbs on online  or at local health food store/coop ..use organic or wildcrafted have then made your first tincture and saved about 90% over store costs and have something stronger than most of the garbage on the market

    Also ginger is used for the capillaries, garlic and cayenne for the veins and arteries, so you might want to add some ginger tincture;

    good luck..I hope this is of use to mom went nearly blind 1 1/2 years ago right before she died a year ago and it was awful to watch...she never listened o anything I advised for lack of knowledge.

    So my heart went out to you typing this though I was falling sleep at the computer and need to go to bed..blessings, may this be the answer that helps you..

  5. Also try EYE exercises. Truly. Without moving your head - only your eyes- Look up and hold for a count of four, then down for a count of four, then left for a count of four, then right for a count of four, then up and to the left for a count of four and down and to the right for a count of four, then up and to the right for a count of four and down and to the left for a count of four. Rest your eyes straight ahead for a count of four, then repeat. Do this exercise for five minutes twice or three times a day. Don't rush it. And don't over extend your gaze buy trying to see farther. You will be able to see farther (left, right, up left and up right and so on) as you do this exercise more often. This exercises the eye muscle. Do it gently to strengthen the eye muscle and soon your eyes will be feeeling good and healthy as BE healthier.  

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