
Is there any way to improve my volleyball skills?

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I'm not very good.

I can't do overhand serves, though I can do underhand. I'm pretty good at setting, or volleying. But I need help on my bumping. I miss some of the easy ones. Even this girl that wasn't on the team was better than me today at a pactice at the gym and it made me mad since I was on the team and she was better than me. Are there any websites, or techniques that might imporve my skills?




  1. I have a couple of suggestions.  With your serving... honestly, serving overhanded is good, but until you have it down, you're much better off keeping  a good consistent underhand serve (especially if you're playing 'sideout' scoring).  Just keep working on the overhand serve on the side.

    With bumping, *the* most overlooked aspect is your footwork.  Most poor bumping is the result of lazy footwork.  A good easy drill is to bump off of a wall.  The goal is to keep the bump in front of you - not on the side where your arms go out to your sides.  I promise if you work on your footwork, your bumping will improve, not to mention your overall conditioning.

  2. The last response was really good listen to her.  In addition,  A great way to practice is to bumb a ball against a wall.  Don't intertwine your fingers, place your left hand in your right hand like your asking for something and then put your right thumb across the base of  your fingers, both hands should be palm up.  When practicing setting you should imagine you are pouring a pitcher of water on your face with both hands.  This is the best way to position your hands.  The ball should fit where the pitcher would be.  Good luck!

  3. sets=do push-ups against the wall, but insted of the hole and, use ur fingertips. it helps stregthen the fingers.

    bumps=get down on ur knees [with kneepads] and ask a friend to throw a ball at u,..hard, short, long, wateva. this will not only improve ur bumping skills, but also ur diving skils.

    spikes=when u spike, make sure u flick. that means like, instead of slapping it only, u move ur wrist downward right when u hit it. so it goes straight down [dont forget to jump and make sure ur hand is not floppy]

    u can also get a wall and practice spiking. its kinda like handball but u only use one hand and u use more force


    -underhand...use a rocking motion when u hit it and ALWAYSS follow through.

    -overhand...u can either open ur hand or close it. use the ball of ur hand [ur lower palm]. i would perfer closing ur hand, but u can do wateva. if u open ur hand, u can use the fliking technique.

    moving=u should always squat when u play voleyball. never standing.

    ps.make sure u always call the ball. make it load and clear. u can yell,"iI GOT IT!" or "MINE!" or just "AHHHHH!" doesnt matter. make sure ur teammates know its ur. and if someone still comes and tries to get it, bump them outof the way or something. they wont get mad. as long as u FOR SURE got it.

    u can always get together with a group of friends or ur teammates and get in a curcle. u hit it to each other. its not only fun, but this will also improve ur volleyball skills.

    hopes this helps!


  4. It takes a lot of practice to get good at something, especially if you don't already have the skills. For bumping try this....make sure your feet are shoulder width apart, in volleyball you use your legs a lot, so do a sitting position when you bump with your arms fully extended, hands locked together, forearms facing upward, and elbows locked. To pass the ball push up and forward with your legs, with your body pointing in the direction your passing. Make sure you have a flat platform to pass in the right direction.

    As for your serving, make sure your extending your arm all the way and hitting the volleyball with an open hand. The ball should hit in your palm when you do this. Over hand serving is like spiking. So if you can spike the ball, it's the same motion you use.

  5. practice!

  6. practice.

  7. When serving, there are a few common mistakes. Always try to keep you hand completely flexed. You can practice this by holding the volleyball and repeatedly hitting it with your dominant hand. While doing this, don't let your hand relax.

    Also, practice where you toss the ball in a serve. That ball sould land right in front of you if you let it drop. Practice tossing with your arm straight and letting it fall to see where it lands.

    Lastly, check where you are centering your weight. You shouldn't be leaning so far back in a serve that you have to strain your stomach muscles to get straight. As you serve, shift your weight to your front foot, which will give more power to your serve.

    In terms of bumping, make sure that you hit the ball on your forearm, and use your legs. Try not to swing your arms, you should pump with your legs. If somebody spikes the ball at you, it is usually enough to just hold your arms in the correct place, the force of the ball will cause it to rebound. Practice not swinging you arms by bumbing straight in the air 20 times. The trick to this is that you only move you legs, like you are doing squats. Once you can do this, try to stand in one spot will bumping it to yourself.

    I hope this was helpful

  8. What you can do now is practice with a friend who has the same level of playing that you have, that also happened to me but the difference is im not good at underhand service but good at overhand service. I believe that you can learn just by practice so theres no need for websites and all those things you can also ask your coach for some tips. [thats why theres a coach right?]. So good luck and better practice..alright..

  9. practice, practice

  10. Practice tossing up the ball, setting it, then let it fall down a little bit and bump t. Be sure when you bump to have your hands together with the inside of your elbows pointing up. Hit it in the middle of your forearm. If you hit near your wrist or upper arm, it will hit awkwardly. Try going to summer camps. I used to be really bad at the setting but could bump and serve either way, but I've been takijng a lot of camps and getting a lot better.

  11. If you want to learn how to overhand serve her is a tip you can trie lifting weights everyday for a couple of weeks that will get you stronger to serve the ball overhand.And if you want lessons if you live in Irving, Irving High School is having summer lessons from July 31 to august 5.

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