
Is there any way to improve your eyesight if i quit doing things that would damage my eyes?

by  |  earlier

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I used to have 15/20 but i haven't checked like in 3 years nd i know it has gotton worse but i don't know how much...and someone told me if i take a whole month without using the computer or anything...i would gain back some of my eyesight. Is that true? or is there any way to get better eyesight without surgery or glasses/contacts?




  1. Carrots and spinach are good.  I dont know if they can reverse anything, but may be preventative for future damage.

    If you have any issues with blood clotting problems, remember spinach has vitamin k, which makes the blood clot.

    Keep your eyes moist, drink water and look away from the computer at far objects.

  2. Here are some free exercises that you can try:

    Hope this helps...

  3. Which is all great for muscle relaxation to help relieve eyestrain...

    BUT...has nothing to do with improving your vision or stopping it from changing and progressing.

    They are very careful not to claim that at least.

    Eyestrain doesn't make your vision change as far as the correction needed to see better.

    But...if you buy the books...they will feel a lot better.

  4. There are some great eye exercises that you can do to keep your eyes and your eyesight healthy.  here's an excerpt from a great site that i will give at the end:

    What follows are several simple eye exercises that you can do on a regular basis to keep your eyes and vision as healthy as possible:

    Look as far to your right as possible for 3-5 seconds, then as far to your left as possible for 3-5 seconds. Rest for a few seconds, then repeat this sequence several times.

    Look as far up as possible for 3-5 seconds, then look as far down as possible for 3-5 seconds. Rest for a few seconds, then repeat this sequence several times.

    Slowly roll your eyes in a circle, first clockwise, then counter-clockwise. Rest for a few seconds, then repeat this sequence several times. Be sure to roll slowly - it should take at least 3 seconds for you to roll your eyes in a full circle.

    Hold a pen in front of you, about an arm's length away. Focus your vision on the tip of your pen for 3-5 seconds, then shift the focus of your vision to an object that is farther away for 3-5 seconds. The greater the distance between your pen and the distant object, the better. If you are indoors, look out a window to find a distant object to focus your vision on. Repeat this sequence of going back and forth between your pen and a distant object several times.

    Just for interest's sake, this exercise is routinely used by professional baseball players to optimize visual acuity, which is essential for the hand-eye coordination that is needed to play pro ball.

    here's the link for some more great information :

    hope it helps!

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