
Is there any way to know whether I'll be happier being married without getting married?

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Not that I'm a bad guy, I'm a naturally reserved guy and I don't have the greatest communication skills when I was in past dating relationships.




  1. You can believe me.  You are happier now. That's the truth.

  2. Communication is a big part of marriage. You have to have that or it will not work. As far as any way knowing if you will be happy married without getting married? That is tough. You just have to decide if you are ready for it or not.  

  3. Ive worked at a shop for two years and ive seen 3 guys go through a divorce and the mojority of the ones who are still married arent that happy. 65% of marriages these days end in divorce. My advice stay single

  4. You can try living with your partner, as a trial-run to marriage. If you can't handle that, then don't say "I do".

    Why are you scared about minor arguments? If you don't argue, there won't be any. It takes 2 people (at least) for that to occur.

    Have an understanding about communication and disputes from the beginning, and there's no reason for petty arguments to be an issue if you decide to marry.

  5. Yeah.  Stop having s*x.  Don't go out anymore.  Beat off in the shower daily.  Put on about 45 pounds..I don't know what else.  Start with that and see if you are still happy.

  6. If you can't communicate then don't get involved with anyone until you learn how.  Fights start because of lack of communicating.

  7. Yeah.  The type of relationship you have before the wedding is a good predictor of the type of marriage you will have.  See the link I am referencing.

  8. Unfortunately you have to try it for yourself! We all different and either have good or bad experiences. What might work for me might be a disaster for you. Minor arguments do happen in a marriage but it not such a turn-off that i would never consider marriage.

  9. No way to tell

  10. Well communication skills are definelty a must.  Start working on the communication with your family, then this will help in a romantic relationship.  A couple of things (1) compromise (2) let her be who she is going to be.

  11. Not really.  A marriage is only as good as the people in it.  It sounds like the real threshold for you is overcoming your fears around letting someone close to you & dealing with the inevitable conflict that comes up.  Fear is natural but if you let it, it can paralyze you in indecision.  

  12. Doctor's say they have found a substance that will eliminate a woman's s*x drive. It's called wedding cake.

  13. Could always try living with that person for awhile, but you can't have your cake and eat it too.  If you don't know whether you would be happy being married, then you have not found the right person.  Marriage takes ALOT of work, so if you think it's going to be easy, you aren't going to stay married.

  14. find some one you like and start spending time building a committed relationship  

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