
Is there any way to locate my child's mother without paying a online service fee?

by  |  earlier

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She pops up every couple years and has a different last name every couple years from re-marrying. I have her social security number and I know most of her married and her maiden name.




  1. You can send the Social Security Administration a letter, and they will forward it to the address they have for her. The address may not be good, and she may not reply to it.

    Google "Social Security Administration Letter forwarding" for complete details if you like. It doesn't sound too promising in your case.

    It's illegal, but if you know someone who works in a position where he/she checks credit history, and he/she accidently enters the mother's SSN into the search screen some lunch hour, it may show where she is.

  2. If you don't mind me asking why would you want to contact her for?

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