
Is there any way to make getting a piercing hurt less?

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I want to get my belly button pierced, but I have a low tolerance for pain!

Is there anything I can do to make getting it hurt less?




  1. EMLA (Lidocaine and Prilocaine) cream

    USES: This medication is an anesthetic used on the skin to prevent pain. It is used before certain procedures such as inserting IV lines, skin grafts or skin laser surgery where numbing of the skin and surrounding area is necessary.

    HOW TO USE: This medication is for use on the skin only. Apply to the skin area at the proper time as directed. The length of time for the medication to stay on the skin depends on the type of procedure you will undergo. However, it should be applied for a minimum of 1 hour before the procedure. To apply, squeeze out the prescribed amount of cream directly onto the skin. Do not rub in. Cover with air-tight dressing (e.g., Tegaderm). Remove the paper frame and seal the edges only allowing the cream to remain in a thick layer. Just prior to your medical procedure or when directed, remove the dressing and cream and clean the area thoroughly. Do not use larger amounts than prescribed or leave it in place for longer than directed since the chance for side effects may be increased. Avoid contact with the eyes. Use cautiously near the nose and mouth.

    Just get a prescription at doctors

    I used it and IT REALLY WORKS!

  2. The only thing that I could think of would be to take a few Ibuprofen or Advil before-hand, but that may not help.  

  3. Take a pain killer before you go. Be careful because some things can make you bleed more like alcohol and such so don't doo that lol.

    Try telling your piercer before they begin perhaps they have some tips for you.

    Whenever I get something pierced I just take a deep breath in and exhale as it is pierced. Remember, it will only hurt for a second, it will be worth it because it's something that you want to do. You will be proud of yourself when you're all done :)

    If it makes you feel any better I have heard that getting your belly button done doesn't really hurt that much in comparison to other piercings.

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