
Is there any way to make money online? thats seriously ligit?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a college student and I'm working as a waitress two days a week and I've got school on a payment play and I need to make a little more money and I have looked everywhere for another part-time job! I've heard of people making money online by taking surveys but they all are a load of c**p and ask for my phone number and stuff and I can't get random place to stop calling me! They don't even regard surveys! I just wanted to know if anyone knew of anything I could do online to make some extra cash that doesn't involve a bunch of spam and bull!

I really need help!!!




  1. elance and guru are good option you can try to explore others as well.

    List and links of some genuine surveys can be found here: and links for genuine data entry jobs can be found here: they are all free to sign-up and seems legitimate so far

    p.s. signup with a new mail id as u might receive a lot of unwanted mails as well.

  2. Check out this program below. They send you a free DVD lesson on how to get started on making money online (even how to start your own home-based business). There are many great ways to make money online, but what you'll see here is the only thing you'll need.

    If you ever need more information, just ask me. I'm always here to help. :)

  3. ebay or your own website. its tough out here, im in the same boat  

  4. is the biggest resource for making money online. It will teach anyone from 14 to 50 to make money online with some effort. They have a lot of tutorials and one of them is make 15$ a day tutorial. Go and check it out.

  5. And I am not promising $2500 like the guy above me

    Check out this link I just signed up yesterday. You can make a few extra bucks not hundreds a month like most websites say

    Get $10 Just to signup!

  6. Forget the surveys. The quickest and cheapest way is to use article marketing aiming for small amounts from lots of different sources. I make thousands, but not from one source. To see how I do it check out


    gurl i got you right here, you can email me for all the questions, and i will give  you my best advice and answers, to help you make money faster.

  8. Try looking at the websites listed on this blog:

    They are all 100% free and for spam you can create a new e-mail to sign up with and make up a fake phone number and address for those that ask for it. You will still be paid. They are all proved to pay and I use most of them myself and have been paid more than once by most. Good luck!

  9. This has to be the easiest way to make cash online.

    You need;

    A Paypal Account

    A Stumble Upon Account

    A Digg Account


    A Subvert and Profit Account.

    Register for all of these.

    Verify your accounts. Subvert and Profit will send you emails with the websites you need to Digg or Stumble Upon.

    How easy is that ! Once you have your accounts - all you have to do is stumble or digg the webpages. You now get up to 75 cents per page!

    WOW ! - Good easy money.

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