
Is there any way to preform telekinesis for real?

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i just want to know




  1. no body could perform it for now,because it requires probably the full power of the brain and i think if only we learn to use it,than we could be able to do it.

  2. No.

  3. If there is, nobody has yet determined how. As others have said, this question is asked over and over and over, but the answer remains the same every time. So forgive the repeated answer, but 1 + 1 always equals 2.

    Nobody--ever--has been able to demonstrate psychokinetic ability. Many have claimed the power, and some have tried to demonstrate it with only dismal results, but none have been able to demonstrate the slightest ability. It goes without saying that the first person to come forward with such an ability would go down in history, become world famous and wealthy beyond measure. If someone had the demonstrated ability, we'd know it. So I'm sorry to say that neither I nor anyone else can tell you how to do telekinesis.

    As a side note, there was a research group at Princeton (PEAR) for about 25 years which worked on PK. The group, after working so hard and so long and becoming emotionally invested in their work, refused to consider that it was wasted, but outside objective analysis showed that their work was indeed a flop. Better described as pathological science, the group was reduced to searching for infinitesimal statistical aberrations to call evidence of PK influence. There are a number of fatal statistical flaws in their experimental analysis that can be easily identified (see link and others). Today the PEAR group is only a footnote in the annals of bad science.

  4. This question is asked over and over again,everyday.The answer is no.It can not be done.It's a superpower humans don't have them.Some fools will tell you it's possible .They're either lying or delusional.If you insist on trying for a superpower I suggest super-strength or X-ray vision.Don't try flying though,while no superpower is possible.Trying to fly can be dangerous.

  5. I would say no there is not, but it would be more accurate to say that such a talent has never been performed in a controlled environment.  Not a single time.  Not even slightly.  Moreover, many people claiming to have the talent have been exposed as liars and frauds.  If there is no evidence then it can be safe to assume that TK ability is at the very least improbable and just an invention of magical thinking.

    Is that donnie guy a schizo nutcase or what?

  6. well many people have different opinions and beliefs. i think it can cause i think that i've done it before people prob think bs but they can think what they want and i'll believe what i want.

  7. None has yet been demonstrated, and there is good reason to suppose that no such thing is possible.

  8. There is a group called SCICOPS. They have a standing 2,000,000.00 reward for anyone that can credibly demonstrate supernatural powers. Needless to say, the money has yet to be collected.

  9. Anything is possible when you really try. I'm not very good at it, but have witnessed an individual who did it once.... it was amazing.

  10. Perhaps in another dimension.

  11. Sure, I can make a coin land on its side more often then probability would permit it! I've even had a coin land on its side on top of another one already standing on its side. What are the odds of that happening by chance?

  12. May be this is a rudimentary talent in all, but some know this and other not.

    If we imagine that we can contact someone from distance

    /may be absolutely unknown person/ and we catch his brain wave and enter into telepatic centers/ say two aura points at about 40 sm on right and left from the head/

    and ask - Hey,  what is around you?  and if we receive info /sometimes verbally, other time feeling it or seeing /about the things and events at distance...- may be this  could be  named  psi-kinesis or quantum-kinesis...

    I like very much  QUATUM theory and think it can and will explain may phenomenas.

  13. First, if one examines the evidence on Yahoo there appears to be an unexplained phenomena that causes Yahoo users to not be able to see the

    "Search for Questions:" button that will show them how many times their question has already been asked and all the answers already posted.

    The bad news is you can't throw cars, start fires, or levitate your friends. The good news is probably everyone has this ability. Princeton University through a program called PEAR (Princeton Engineering Anomaly Research) for more than 20 years demonstrated that human intentions can effect random number generators. Please note this work is not without its critics. However, most of the critics are not published in peer reviewed science journals as the actual research was, so do consider the sources.

    Before this experiments were conducted at the Rhine Research Center as early as the 1930's on falling dice.

    One of the findings appear to be that objects in motion are easier to influence (their resting state has yet to be determined) than still objects. Even so the effects usually take statistical analysis to find. While the effects may be significant with statistics they are not impressive in the every day world of experience.

    No one can teach you how to do this because science does not yet understand how this ability may work.

    Note: Telekinesis is usually called psychokinesis (PK) in the current research literature.

    Michael John Weaver, M.S.

  14. Everyone else is thinking inside the box. Its called the M5. Its a extremely powerful magnet. I got mine at you can move objects and make things dissapear.

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