
Is there any way to reduce the power of the eye ???

by  |  earlier

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i dont want to get n operation done ( the indian airforce does not allow this . please any other alt method to do so , please !!!!!!!!!!!




  1. Do you mean to reduce the numbers of your vision rating... like improve your eyesight?

    As much as I wish I could say otherwise, glasses, contacts, or surgery are the only way to improve your eyesight.

    I've been looking for other options for almost 20 years since I first had to get glasses and I have found things that improve the health of your eyes (which can help them from getting worse), but they can't make the actual visual acuity better. Most of them are natural herbs and vitamins that help maintain the health of the eye and I can mention a few if you'd like.

    The main reason is because vision problems are a physical problem (the physical distance between the retina and lens), not a chemical problem that can be changed with drugs, herbs, or supplements :-(

    As far as fruits and veggies (like carrots), they have vitamins and minerals that may help to protect and/or nourish the eyes, but unfortunately, they can't change the numbers on your eyesight.

    I've heard of eye exercises that some people try, but based on a lot of research I've done on them, there is no basis to say that it will improve your eyesight at all. All that's left after all that is surgery or glasses/contacts. Sorry.

  2. ??????????!!!!!!!!

    Are you talking about improving eye sight?  If so, exercises are there.  Think that your eyesight are good. And it can improve.  Take care of your stomach.   The cause for the vision problems are not the eyes but the stomach.  The digestive power is directly connected with the vision power.  

    The elements working behind the vision are fire and air.  The abode of fire and source of fire in the body is in the stomach and all over body as heat,  and abode of air is in the lung area and spread all over body.  If the stomach is corrected half the eye problems will be corrected.  The best methods are yoga.   Sushmavyayam for eyes. And always think and affirm that your eye sight is good.  

    Use the following medicines:

    1.  Rhus Tox 1 M one dose only.

    2.  Belladonna 30 three doses only

    3.  Gelsemium 30 one dose as and when required.

    4.  Ruta G 30 one dose as and when required.

    5.  Aconitum Napillus 30 three doses. only.  

    6.  Lycopodium (if there is night blindness).

    7.  Sulphur and Carbo veg if there are black spots before the eyes

    8.  Euphrasia eye bright or Euphrasia 30 if there is watering, burning and swelling etc.

    9.  Arsenicum Album 30 one dose whenever required for stomach.  

    10. Arnica 30 whenever required one dose.  

             You may take some of the medicines or all of them.  Google Boericke materia medica and check other symptoms which pertains to you.  

            The medicines can be taken spaced within a period of 1 month or more at random.   All medicines are complementary.  None of the medicines should be taken on same day.  

    The above is information.   Medicines should be taken in consultation with a homeopathic doctor.

  3. I am not familar with this. I know that B complex is good to strengthen eye muscles. I know there are books that can teach you to improve vision. If you can give more details about what reducing the power of eye means I might be able to better help you.

  4. chinese glasses with holes in them for reading.

    to strengthen the eye muscles.

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