
Is there any way to remove an oil stain from a t-shirt once it has been washed and dried?

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I'm not sure if it is motor oil or cooking oil. Normally I check for such stains before I wash but I had no idea that he had worn this shirt. The color is gray and it's a 90% cotton 10% poly blend. Any help greatly appreciate, it's my fav t-shirt.





  1. Whether it is motor oil or cooking oil, automotive hand cleaner, like Goop will remove it.  Sometimes you can work dishwashing soap, like a grease relieving formulation such as Dawn into it to remove it but it doesn't always work on set in, washed and dried stains.  Goop works every time.  Just work it into the stain so that you are certain it goes all of the way through the fiber on to the other side of the garment.  Let it set for a couple of minute to do its magic and then relaunder.

  2. Zout works the best on stains like that. You have to let it sit on the clothes for a couple of days before you wash them.

  3. You could see if they sell a product called Spray Power in your area.  In this area they see it at Walmart.  It's a great degreaser and has removed set in stain that have been washed and dried for me many times.

  4. smear bacon grease on it and let it sit for about 3-5 mins and then wipe of with a damp oily rag

  5. My mom uses some type of grease in a small plastic tub, about the size of a small margarine tub. It's white with orange and green lettering... Sorry, I can't for the life of me remember the name. If I remember, I'll update this, but it should be by the laundry detergent and shout wipes.

    But anyways, you put the grease-looking stuff on the oil spot for 5 minutes, and then just throw it in the wash. When it comes out, it will be as good as new!

    Good luck!

  6. Believe it or not, my wife gets excellent results from spraying a little bit of oven cleaner on the stain.  Don't let it sit on there for more than a minute before washing it though.  Oven cleaner contains acid and it could destroy that part of the shirt.

  7. Yes, my boyfriend got oil all over his jeans recently from biking and I didn't see it until after I had washed the jeans. I used a special cleaning thing for oil. You let the clothing soak it in, then you rub the oil off with a clean dry cloth. It works great. Go to a local grocery or drug store and see what they have.

  8. Sure, put a litle dish soap on the stain , let it set a few minutes then wash it as normal.  Dish soap is a grease cutter.

  9. yes

  10. YES! I found this really great stuff at the dollar store. It's called Awesome (Yes, I know it sounds weird). It's a knock off of all the other, way more expensive products, but it works ten times as well. Oxy-Clean and all that other stuff claims to work, but it doesn't get out stains that are set-in. Go to a local dollar store and try to find "Awesome." It's in a clear container. Best of luck!

  11. Check out this site I kept this as one of my "Favorites"

    so if there is any problem I just look on this in my computer.

    My plan is to post this in my laundry area for quick reference.

    This site will help you a lot.

  12. OMgosh I have the same problem. Two of the last shirts I wore got a stain, I dont know where it came from!! You might be able to still get the stain out... you could tell if it was motor oil i think

  13. Use 'greased lightening' the orange one.  Spray it on and then spray some spray n wash on top.  Let it set for a while and then wash as usual.  It might take a couple of washes.

  14. It is impossible to completely remove a "motor" oil stain from clothing...I'm sorry.

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