
Is there any way to stregthen your immune system??

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i get sick really easily, as in a cold,cough, stuffy nose etc.

is there any way i can strenghten my immune system so that i won;t get sick so often??




  1. First and foremost, make sure you are eating a proper diet, getting enough sleep, and doing at least some form of exercise (even if it's walking around) at least a few times a week. That's the basic way to stay healthy in general, but if you find that you are getting sick more often than you would like, there are some natural options to help boost your immune system.

    Some of the most popular natural products for boosting the immune system are Colostrum, Mushrooms (Maitake, Shiitake, and Reishi), IP-6 (Inositol Hexaphosphate), Beta Glucans, Elderberry, Echinacea (should be taken short-term only), and any antioxidants.


  3. I used to have the exact same problem! But just recently I started taking this stuff called Applecider Vinegar.. And it's supposed to help with a lot of things including your immune system. It tastes gross but hey it works. lol. And you can take vitamin c's everyday... And make sure you're getting enough sleep and stuff.

  4. cold hydrotherapy has been shown to stimulate the immune system in a number of studies

  5. Yes! Take a multivitamin and also Echinacea and Zinc tablets

    Eat plety of raw fruit and veg with antioxidants to fight off free radicals such as tomatoes, broccoli, the occasional red wine and all berries.

    Keep your digestive tract healthy through taking Inner health plus or a probiotic drink such as yukult.

    Also yogurts with active live cultures are great for keeping unwanted nasties at bay. Good luck with your immunity boost,

    Chelsea x

  6. There are a lot of things you can do.  Some are more complicated (ie. take 10,000 herbs in such and such a way), others are simpler.

    This is by no means a comprehensive list, but this is what I believe tends to have the biggest effect while also being the simplest to carry out:

    1) Get enough sleep.  Sleep deprivation has lots of problems including trashing your immune system.

    2) Heavily cut down on sugar.  Sugar messes up your immune system, and heavily reducing sugar intake often is sufficent to fix health problems.

    3) Lower sympathetic nervous activity and increase parasympathetic nervous system activity.  This can often be simplifed down to "avoid be stressed." (there are a few others but they don't matter as much).

    4) Try to have a positive outlook or at least about yourself.  The immune system seems to respond very strongly to the subconscious, and I've seen hundreds examples of people getting sick because they either hate themselves or are massively depressed (including with cancer), which were cured once they got a better attitude.

    5) Check there isn't some major problem causing your immune system to be messed up (and if you find it, cut it).  Some things that trash it are fairly obvious (ie. having HIV), but oftentimes it can come from an allergen (ie. gluten/lactose), or a vitamin/mineral difficency (ie. vit C).  Google this one if you care, but I've seen some many different deficiencies cause people problems that I can't really make a list of what I'd advise checking first.

    6) Exercise more.  Coincidentally this also helps with depression so it can double help some people!

    Overall, having a good healthy diet (less processed foods, no junk food, lots of fresh vegetables) will do the most, but it's a lifestyle change many people will not want to make a change like this.

    Hope that helps!

    I personally believe once you believe with basic diet/behavioral factors, practices such as Tai Chi or meditation (provided they are done properly) get the greatest results, but that isn't a realistic option to most people.

    *and orange juice is overrated.

  7. Eliminate all sugar and allergens from your diet.

    Just a small amount of sugar has been proven to impair white blood cells up to 50% for very short periods of time. By discovering what our personal food allergies are, then eliminating or desensitizing them will help strengthen your immune system. By removing these triggers, our immune cells are strengthened in order to combat other invaders such as influenza rather than the allergen. The elimination of sugar from your diet can also strengthen/improve the immune system.

    Eliminate or reduce exposure to dangerous toxins in your environment.

    Air Pollution, smoking, cleaning products will stress your immune system with frequent exposure. Many common household cleaning products contains toxic and poisonous chemicals that are harmful to your health. There may not be much you can do with air pollution, but we can help reduce our exposure by purchasing cleaning products that are safe and non-toxic.

    Learn how to properly deal with stress

    Acute (short term) stress will positively strengthen your immune system function. On the other hand, responding wrongly to chronic (long term) stress will suppress your immune system function. By Biblically responding to unavoidable stresses we are enabling ourselves to making wise decisions. Jesus Christ handled stressful situations with the Truth of God's Word. (Matt.4:1-11)

    Learn more on how acute and chronic stress affect your immune system.

    Regular, moderate exercise will strengthen your immune system, while intense or extreme exercise may suppress immune system function.

    It appears that regular physical activity might contribute to ridding the lungs of the types of airborne bacteria and viruses that are linked to common upper respiratory tract infections, while also cleansing the body of certain carcinogens (cancer-causing cells) and waste products through increased output of urine and sweat.

    An increase in blood flow associated with moderate exercise helps to circulate antibodies along with white blood cells necessary to fight infection more quickly. As a result, this provides our bodies with an early warning system to ward off potentially damaging germs. In addition, the increase in body temperative as a result of physical activity may aid in inhibiting the growth of bacteria; thus allowing the body to fight infection more effectively.

    Finally, moderate exercise has been shown to reduce the secretion of stress-related hormones thought to contribute to the onset of illnesses such as the flu and the common cold, and give a temporary boost in the production of macrophages, the cells that attack bacteria.

    Sleep Helps Strengthen Your Immune System

    During deep sleep , our body release potent immune-enhancing substances that strengthen your immune system function. By not allowing our body sufficient rest, the immune system will sputter, and as a result, not function at full capacity. We then are more likely to become ill with common illnesses. A healthy, deep sleep allows our body to release a significant amount of growth hormone that boost the immune system and aids in the growth and repair of the body. Tips on How to Sleep Better

  8. try using silver in a colloidal form. there are a few out there just google it. it is an alternative medicine to healing infeciton. one on the market that i have used is silver fusion. good luck

  9. my mum has a really bad immune thing that a thing called "olive leaf extract"

    it really works...i tried it myself....i take it once a day...5mls

    if u want it to work u need to take it on a regular basis

    i find that my whole family will get a cold

    and all i will get is the sneezes...but its not too bad coz sneezing is funny.....

    hope it helps

    its either that or u have a weak chest

    hang on...i'm finding a website...

  10. Absolutely!  Give this product a try.  You will feel a difference not only in your immune system but overall health.  No, it is not my website, I am just trying to help.  One more thing, I noticed a big boost to my immune system when I increased my cardiovascular fitness (lots of endurance exercise).

  11. Awww thats not good Jade B.....but i did some research for ya and here is a site if u feel like reading...... tells u healthy ways to make ur immune system stronger.

    1. supplements/vitamins help....i take daily supplements cause i'm anemic and lack of Centrum

    2. Lots of Orange Juices

    3. Healthy foods.........always eat well.... Normal exercise, daily walking/jogging

    PS. I like ur new Avatar :)

  12. Can you visit a Natropath?  Eat fresh organic produce, try looking up which herbs to use.  

    When my daughter was small she caught everything that was going around, wasn't able to fight any colds or flu.  She would end up with pneumonia or very close to it.  Drs would put her on antibiotics constantly.   I took her to a natropath who diagnosed a very low immune system.  He put her on very foul tasting herbal connoction, that she was supposed to take for a month to strengthen her system.  She has never looked back, she did get a cold 2 weeks into the month and was prescribed the usual antibiotics.  I didn't have the script filled (kept it just in case), 3 or 4 days later the cold had gone.  

    Several months later I took her to the doctor for an unrelated problem and he questioned me as to why he hadn't seen us in so long - told him what I had done, was expecting a lecture about the evils of alternate medicines but he congratulated me and was very happy with her progress.

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