
Is there any way to tell if you might go in to labor soon?

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Is there any way to tell if you might go in to labor soon?




  1. My friend put in some serious nesting time shortly before she gave birth. She was cleaning the house until the wee hours of the morning for several days in a row. I've also heard diarrhea and vomiting is common before labor, but I've no personal experience with that.

  2. When your water breaks, and contractions start getting strong.

  3. well, if it is your first could be hard to tell. Generally you will be able to breath better due to the baby dropping further into the birth canal. You may experience a bloody show..or lose your mucas plug (believe me you will know what that is when you lose it), you may feel tired, or unusually energetic. Not to many moms go into labor and do not know it though. I know those last few weeks seem like an eternity, but soon you will be holding that precious little baby :) good luck from a mom of five

  4. when you lose your mucus plug is a big sign.

  5. Your water breaking is really the only definitive sign.  There are other signs (loose stool, increased braxton hicks, pelvic pressure, loss of mucus plug) as well, but they don't always mean you are going to go into labor.

  6. Lower back constipation.  Pelvic pressure.  Those braxton-hicks contractions really start to get your attention.  Loss of mucous plug or bloody show.  And of course, the indisputable rupturing of your waters.

  7. If you feel cramps (like menstrual ) in your lower back, look out!

    Baby's on the way!

  8. Losing your mucus plug, although this could happen weeks before labor, breaking or leaking of you water, diarrhea, increased vaginal discharge, contractions, period like cramps, the baby dropping (kind of feels like a bowling bowl between your legs), dilating cervix.

    Those are just the ones I can think of off hand! GL to you!

  9. my wife felt very light contractions even 2 weeks after her due date, no bloody show, mucus etc.  2 oz of castor oil and she was in labor within 2 hrs. 0 to 60 just like that.

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