
Is there any way to tell which side your baby is lieing on?

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Besides ultrasound




  1. I'm 22 weeks and can "see" what side she is on right now.  It's usually the right and that's the side that actually sticks out further.  You can see the little bump.  When she's on my left, the bump is there.

  2. They can feel it.  My first was one the right side and my second was more to the left.  With my first, my doctor could tell she was head down and everything, just by feeling my tummy.

    With my second I had ultrasounds weekly, because of some complications.

    I was able to tell my friend where her baby was, as you progress further along in your pregnancy you can really feel their bums or arms and feet.  It's amazing!

    Good luck!

  3. yes you can one ask the doctor if you are unable to tell, but fell around your stomach and watch how the kicks are and the stretches. i could tell my daughter was on the left side because when she stretched i could feel her back pushing out on the left and her feet pushing out on the right. and once they have turned for good the should stay in about the same possession, and just have stretches and kicks.

  4. When they are bigger you can sort of feel where their back/butt is and which way the feet are pointing.  My baby also liked to push with her legs at certain times of the day - her little feet would stick out 2 inches from my belly!  Funny thing is she still does this in her sleep now, she's almost 5 months old.  lol!

  5. when you get a little further along, sometimes you can see a larger bump on one side or the other or feel a larger pressure on that side. I could see our baby move all over the place, watch her roll over and encourage her to kick on one side or the other. It's really pretty cool.

  6. you can feel from the pressure her weight will put on the side she is . and if she is big enough she can see the little bump . well that is how i knew my baby was lying on my right the WHOLE 9 months . and that is the side that used to hurt me the most .  

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