
Is there any way to turn into:?

by Guest64590  |  earlier

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a pegasas.

a dragon,

a bird,

a dragonfly,

a horse,

a cat,

(any animal)


I really want to!!!!!!!!!!!

please help!

any spells!?




  1. yes... there is....

    the spell is rather unique and may not work everytime. i involves a chant. a very difficult spell indeed.

    try laying on a comfortable bed. close your eyes and chant in your head (not out loud) "i am a....(whatever you want to be)". you need to relax. and if you are lucky, you'll turn into whatever it is you want to be.

    if the spell works, it is also only temporary.

  2. They have medication for that!!!

  3. umm no no no no no no no

  4. i didn't know they let you use the internet in the psych ward..

  5. All you can do is wish and hope.

    And ignore the sad pathetic little people who want to shoot your dreams down.

  6. i wud tell u the mermaid spell from 43things but u already know it b/c u ansdwered someone elses quesiton saying yes here the spell and it was the same one i did....

  7. haha

    I strongly recommend you to go to a doctor..

    You should probably

    oops. Just kidding ^^

  8. Shapeshifting is not something that comes easy.  It takes years of practice and even then most don't get it right.  I am afraid there is no such thing as a spell to do it.  Sorry!!!!

  9. yeah everynight i wish on a star and i wish really hard that i want toast and the next moarning i get it

  10. that would be so cool if u could, but,unfortunately you cant sorry, keep believing though =] it might happen one day who knows everything changes and new things are discovered everyday and yeah who knows what the future holds.

  11. Only in your dreams.

  12. a pegasas....

    okay thats a little weird..

    uhh good luck.

  13. Sorry you can't really shape shift.  That's only in the movies.

  14. a pegasas. 123 poof

    a dragon, 456 poof

    a bird, 789 poof

    a dragonfly, 101112 poof

    a horse,131415 poof

    a cat, 161718 poof

  15. no there isn't sorry :(

  16. I want to, too, but I don't believe there are any spells.

    Just keep on hoping.  Maybe it will work...

  17. i honestly don't think there is and you need to see a doctor weirdo!

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