
Is there any way to use Photoshop to...?

by  |  earlier

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Is there any way at all that I can use photoshop to save some of the pictures that I take at concerts?

Most of them turn out dark. But when I try to lighten them they get really pixelated. Is there any way to fix this ..?




  1. Try this,:

    open up the picture

    lighten shadows

    then go to new adjustment layer

    levels (auto)

    brightness/contrast (again a new adjustment layer)

    Filter (warming) (again a new adjustment layer)

    flatten the image

    Reduce noise filter

    The use the auto fix feature

    This is one that was taken at iso 100 in a dark church- it was completely under exposed and that is the fix that I used.

    BTW this was the brides favorite- go figure!

  2. It depends on the size, format and quality (other than being way underexposed) of the original.  It's impossible to know without seeing an example.

    And - more than anything! - a LOT depends on whether or not you know HOW to make adjustments to density using Photoshop.

    That "pixelation" you mentioned is probably NOT pixelation.  It's more likely Digital Noise.  Which is even more of a problem.

  3. My guess is that you are using a P&S camera, not suitable for shooting where perfect exposure control is necessary.  If you were using a DSLR that would give you that control, security would not let you bring it in unless you also had press credentials and a venue pass.

    Then your shooting would be just a matter of using your skills as a photographer and shoot, shoot, shoot

    Most concert stages have enough light so a video can be made of the performance and than much light is plenty for shooting photos.  If you have a fast lens and a camera with excellent high ISO performance.

    I use a Nikon D3 with the 24-70 mm f/2.8 lens for most of the performance .. I have been known to shoot using the 12-24 mm or 18-200 mm lens from time to time.

  4. here's a tutorial on that...if this is not what your looking for google "fixing dark pictures with photshop"

  5. Hard to tell without seeing any examples.

    Levels and curves command might come to the rescue, as might the "shadow/highlight" tool.

    Best thing to do is to only attempt concert photos with a very good camera and an excellent, FAST lens.

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