
Is there any way to verify the address of a friend in Spain before shipping an expensive package?

by  |  earlier

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My friend is "off the grid", so I can't contact him. I have his address scribbled down, is there some online service that would help me see if this is a correct address? Such as if you misspell an address in Google maps it will present you with a real address you may have meant to put. Thanks!




  1. does he have an email address or access to the internet through a chat room so that he can send you his home address? What about giving him a phone call (a bit expensive I know) or just take a risk in sending it. There are some international address sites on the internet and maybe they may have the correct address of your friend. But I strongly suggest getting the info from your friend through email, myspace or a chat room just so that you can get it from him and not a phone book. Phone books are known to be wrong at times.

  2. you can try checking out this webpage is from the phone company who edits the "páginas blancas" - white pages where almost all people are listed. Is in Spanish but you just select the "provincia", then the first last name and name...hit "buscar" and there you'll have it...

    Good luck!

  3. Hi  ! If being 'otg' means not having a standard street address-don't think that there is. However,if you have a friend who speaks Spanish-from Spain-not Mexico-would suggest you have them call the local post office in Espana-and ask them. You could also call the Spanish Consulate & Tourism offices. If it is a small town & E has lots of them-they would know. Bon Chance ! Gene.

  4. The spanish post office has

    a service to verify postal codes of any address (dirección)

    If you obtain a valid postal code it meas the address exists

    This is the translated page:

  5. Make sure you send the package 'recorded delivery' so the postman has to get a signature from whoever receives the parcel at the address it is sent to.  You can always verify it got to the right person that way and track it should it get lost.

    Hope your friend gets their parcel safely.

  6. mail him a letter asking him to reply if that is his correct adress.  or you can get his email. or you can use google earth if you have it

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