
Is there any way to view msn conversations after you've closed the window?

by  |  earlier

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Windows Live Messenger.

I closed the window and missed what someone said.

Can I recover that conversation or is it lost forever?

[For retards: No, I did not save it]




  1. For r****d asking the question: No, there's no file, there's no way. Idiot.

    Tips for the future:

    Disconnect your mouse when you're feeling stupid (If this causes your mouse to be always unplugged, just throw away the computer and buy a Mac.

    Learn to read faster

    Save your messages

    ...yeah building a time machine is a viable option as well

  2. yes there is a way. it involves a very difficult task... first you need to become rich. then you need to do a **** ton of research. then you need to build a time machine. then you need to go back in time, then you need to not close the window

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