
Is there any way to win the lottery by increasing your chances without paying a lot?

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I want to win the lottery and I play mostly all the time but I never win. Is there any way to increase your chances of winning without purchasing a thousand tickets and hoping I'll win? Do people really win the lottery or is it rigged and only a select few win who already know they are going to win or are so old and they can't collect much anyway because the governemtn takes half and then another half when they die. Is there any way I can win big?




  1. 1) There is no way to increase your chances of winning the lottery unless you buy more tickets.

    2) Yes, people really win the lottery and no, state and national lotteries are not "rigged."

    The chances of you winning a big prize in a lottery are astronomical. In fact, you have a better chance, literally, of being hit by lightning than winning a national lottery.

  2. No offense, hon, but you need a lesson in math.

    On average 50 tickets aren't going to give you odds that are much favorable over 1 ticket. You are just dealing with too large of numbers here.

    Playing the lottery is true gambling. Gambling is putting good money on bad odds. This is why I play hold'em instead. A good poker player puts good money on favorable odds. Overall, even though bad luck still exists, this stategy will lead to making money. You still have to be skilled enough to know when your money is going in good, but that is another story.

    Playing the lottery is generally just a waste.

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  4. There are very strict laws regarding gambling rules and are enforced by the National Gaming Commission who ruthlessly enforce them. It is not rigged in any way so, Yes, you might actually win if you play.

    However, if you would like to increase your chances without spending more money then I would suggest you Pray. It's never been proven to work, but it's the best advice I have for you. Good Luck.

  5. Um... no. The lottery has horrible chances and the only way to increase them is to buy multiple tickets.

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