
Is there any way where I can effectively alleviate the symptoms of sinus?

by Guest31758  |  earlier

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e.g. constant headaches, irritated eyes and nose block? Thanks a lot! :)




  1. I found headaches to be the worst symptom. When I was younger I would take 2 to 3 asprins. Sometimes I would even take more than that and I tried repeated doses. Frankly, It didn't touch it. I had some blinding headaches where I simply couldn't function for a time. Then I tried Excedrin Sinus and it actually worked. One other thing to consider: I sometimes had trouble telling the difference between a migrane and a sinus headache. If Excedrin Sinus doesn't work, you might consider Excedrine Migraine. As an aside, both work for me with the normal doses. Good luck....I feel your pain...

  2. Advil Cold and Sinus works for me.  If it's a real real bad one that effects your stomach.  Just go to bed sometimes you wake and it's gone.

    The Dr. prescribed for me Claritin D.  One every 12 hours it worked but, couldn't use it I got constipated.

    Sinus headaches are miserable I fully understand.  

    Then there are times when nothing works but usually relieves the nose block.

  3. I use this to cure sinus infections. THere are many kinds of bacteria that live in the sinuses, and this gets rid of all the bad ones!.This is the only thing that really helped me --- my Dr. told me about a sinus wash that will kill bacteria.

    you need

    distilled water

    sea salt

    liquid chlorophyll and colloidal silver from the health food store.

    in a glass mix 1/4 cup water with a pinch of salt and heat to body temperature.

    add 5 drops each silver and chlorophyll and mix.

    using a large dropper (like one used for infant medication) drop 2 full droppersfull into one side of the nose while laying down.

    Turn the head and let it drain out the other nostril. Be sure to have paper towels handy.

    The silver kills the bacteria and there are several hundred kind that can live in the sinus cavities and anti biotics don't get rid of them all.

    Do this twice a day for a week, mixing up the mixture fresh each time.

    Then do it once a week for maintenance.

    There is nothing in this that will hurt you, and it cured me.

    I do not have to take claritin, or antibiotics anymore.

    best wishes

  4. Soup recipe to combat sinus

    Few leaves of spinach

    Small piece of turnips cut in small pieces

    Small piece of carrot cut in small pieces

    Green leaves of coriander

    Small piece of ground ginger

    Boil the mixture in a glass of water

    Add a pinch of ground cummin seed, salt ad little lime juice to taste

    You can also delete carrot or turnip if you like

    This soup will strenghten yourdigestive tract and excretory organ

    If you want to know more alternative sinus treatment  visit

  5. if you don't like to take too much meds you can try the yoga remedy:

    put some water with a little amount of normal salt in it in the palm of your hand,"breath" it trought the nostrils.

    The first time it's difficoult to do this but when you'll see the result it can become a good habit like to wash the teeth.

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