
Is there any website that gives directions for traveling on a bicycle/sidewalk?

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I need a way to search directions that only give me roads that have a sidewalk. Can anybody help me?




  1. You shouldn't be riding on the Sidewalk

  2. I don't know where you live, but you could search the local government website for information on their cycling programs. The area I live in is becoming increasingly bike friendly, with many more bike only and shared lanes, and really wide sidewalks for mixed use by pedestrians/runners/cyclists. Plus my area creates a map every year for cycling routes, though sidewalks are not really mentioned unless it's one of the mixed use ones I mentioned.

    I agree with WW though, faster moving cyclists should stay on the side of the street where it's safer for everyone. I've seen so many people on bikes almost hit pedestrians, or cyclists get taken out by dogs on long leashes. Plus people get a bad impression of cyclists when they whip past them, whether or not the cyclist was in control and was not in any danger of hitting them.  It may seem like drivers have an attitude when bikes are on the road with them, but with the price of gas going higher and higher, that attitude is quickly turning to envy

    PS: one handy option on  -- you can select directions without highways, which may or may not give you a safe bike-friendly route. it's always good to scout out a possible route by car before you actually ride it

  3. I ride to work, to errands, and even to pick up and drop off my 5 year old at my Ex's house.  The important thing to look for are roads that are more bike friendly.  You can usually pick a route that parallels the busy streets with 1/10th the traffic.  You just need to plan your ride first-- either by pre-riding the course or using google maps (or something similar) to decide where to turn.

    I'm lucky in that my town has an extensive trail system (over 20 miles off the roads) and a ton of marked "bike paths", or streets that are good for bicycles (due to traffic, width, or a combination).  I use those things as much as possible, staying off of the busy streets unless I have to ride on them.

  4. bicycles are vehicles, and don't belong on sidewalks. it is illegal to ride on sidewalks in most business districts. read up on your state and local laws. some towns allow kids to ride on sidewalks, but the fact of the matter is, most accidents with cars occur when bicycles come from unexpected directions (i.e. riding against traffic, riding off side walks, etc.). if you ride off a sidewalk into an intersection, you also heighten your risk of getting hit by a turning vehicle. they're looking out for pedestrians, not a faster moving vehicle! also, from sidewalks you may not be able to read all route signs, and could get lost! the safest way to ride, is to obey traffic laws, use hand signals, make eye contact and be predictable. if you don't want to ride on the road. stick to bikepaths & trails. when I walk from my car to the post office, I shouldn't be worried about a bicycle bearing down on me! note: the post office is less than a mile from my house, so I usually walk or ride my bike. but sometimes I stop in on my way to work. it's just an example..

  5. Sidewalks are part of the asphalt jungle, NO RULES!!!


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