
Is there any website that i can find a Biology regents prep practice test?

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And would give me the answers?




  1. there are only like 10 main things you need to do well and if you see these in the answer choses, then they are almost definnitly the answer- but of course still read the ?.

    1. The envoirment affect the apperence of some genes (ex. put ice on rabbit and fur turns blak)

    2. [ecological] succsesion

    3. U need more energy on the bottom of the food chain

    4. cell only use part of the DNA, but have all of it (differtion)

    5. Biodiversity is good

    6. also for the writen part remember that you need to compar it to a control group - that chould be an answer why exparimit was no good

    7. it uses ATP to move from low to high, and non from high to low

    8. Decompposer--- if there are a bunch of arrows in a food chain pointing to something and they ask u wat , it's usally decompser

    9. selective breeding is also used a lot - thats tking good (big) and good (tasty)-- But a ? might be whats the negative which [10.] usally you could just say we dont no long trem afects on humans-- but for this one (#9) u could say - that it's possible to get both bad


    12. how to use different sytems together like cirriclitory and digestive-- it carries the nurrtruents from the digestion to the body

    13. gel electrophoresis - just remember it's name and wat it is, for part D

    ALSO study old regents- with the type of answers that they are looking for. AT

    (sorry for the bad spelling i just copied this off an IM that i just sent to someone)

    also___ for Part C___ answer each bullet point one at a time as if it was a ditfferent ?. then you will only foucse on wat they really want you to answer anyway- check out the answer key is shows that that is a good way to do it.

  2. You can go to it can also help you.

    I am taking the Biology regents on the 24th so I am also trying to get ready. But look in your books or notes that you might have with you that you can get more studying done to help you get ready.

  3. go to

    and good luck

    im taking on tuesday too!!

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