
Is there any website that shows how that Denny Klein guy runs his car on just water??

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Ive been seeing all these websites on how to run your car on gas and water but is there one that shows you how to run it on just water???




  1. You can run a car on hydrogen that has previously been extracted from water by electrolysis but these onboard electrolysis systems are just a scam.

    There's simply no way a car's electrical system can deliver enough energy to create even 1/100th the amount of hydrogen required to do this.

    Klein (like Brown and Meyer before him) is a huckster.

    To see how futile it is to try and generate hydrogen from water using an onboard electrolysis cell, see the link I've provided below:

  2. I don't know of the Denny klein guy, but there are several guides available that will show you how to do it and are some of the cheapest on the internet:


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