
Is there any website where I can find information for free about people?

by  |  earlier

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I'm looking for a friend that I haven't seen in years. We both are from Cuba but he came like 3 years before me to the United States, that's why we know nothing from each other since then. We live in different states now. I found in the whitepages website his address and a telephone number; I know for sure it's him because they mention his sister's name which is not a common name, I tried calling the phone number there but it was no longer in service. What can I do now with all the information I have?




  1. Simply send him a letter to the address you have and wait for the letter to either be returned (because he has moved and did not leave a forwarding address) or, hopefully, answered.

    It's the cheapest way to go and all it will cost you is the price of a stamp.

    You could try calling information (1-the area code for that town-555-1212).

    Good luck.

    I, trully, hope you find your old friend and have a joyous reunion.

  2. if he is a resident you may be able to have a background check on him you might find something on

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