
Is there any websites that I can learn to dance from?

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I cant take any dance classes b/c my mom would kill me so if I want to learn to dance I have to learn on my own. So does anyone know a website where I can learn hip hop dancing and maybe breakdancing?




  1. this probably isnt tha best way, but go on youtube && search one of your favorite songs && you'll more than likely see someone dancing to it


  2. I agree with the poster above, you should really take some dance classes in a studio. Online videos are strictly for entertainment value, or if you want to learn a few moves. But under no circumstances do I think you should try and learn to dance from a website. Talk to your mom, and explain this stuff to her. Spend the $60 or so a month and take a class or two. You'll really love it, and you'll gain a lot more from taking real classes.

    Good Luck. ;)

  3. well there are no specific websites that teach you dance because you really should be doing it in a studio with a teacher supervising and teaching you but people post youtube videos with certin moves but not nearly as much as you would learn in a class. Why would your mom kill you? I bet if you asked her and explained why you want to do dance and how it will make you happy and so there shouldnt be any reason for her to say no. Dance is a beautiful art form that takes practice and talent. I sugest you talk to your mom or learn a few breakdancing moves from youtube. =]

  4. you wil lbe able to dacne like these guys in no time

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