
Is there any where to check my pitch speed without a radar gun

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Is there any where to check my pitch speed without a radar gun




  1. They sell baseballs that have a speedometer inside that shows on a display how hard you pitched.  

  2. i bought one of those balls with the reading in it and it told me i was throwing 97. Not true. you can have someone watch you with a stop watch and try to time when you release it and when it hits the glove. I think .5 is 80....0.42 is 90mph. you'd have to do the algebra to get the other figures. another way to be more precise with a stop watch would be to put yourself on video tape and turn it to slow motion. you should be able to be pretty precise with your release point and point of which the ball hits the target since it's slow. lets say you get a reading of 3 seconds. then, record some of a major league game where the pitcher is getting clocked. You can put his motion in the same slow motion you did yours and run a stop watch and do your algebra equations again. another way is to see how far you can throw. Alot of people will disagree with this point but, if you can take 1 crow hop and throw 180feet your throwing about 65, 200 is 70 or so, 225 is 80, 250 is 85, 300 is 90 ,350 is 95 and so on. (if those numbers don't make sense, remember theres no sufficient velocity in throwing the first 100 feet) antoher way is to let your daddy drive his car 70mph down teh highway time your wind up to start at a certain time where your releasing as he's passing by, ((approximatly)) and video tape the ball vs the car, in slow motion and do it from a 90 degree angle. just stay away from the carnival gun unless its shooting at a straight angle with the ball. if it's diagnal the gun you'll get a slower reading

  3. probably not but u can buy a ball that has a radar gun in the ball so its simple

  4. It takes 0.458 seconds for an object traveling 90 mph to travel 60 feet 6 inches.

    Here's the math on that:

    1 mile = 5280 feet.

    At object traveling 90 mph would travel travel approx. 475,200 feet in an hour.

    Divide by 60 to find how far it would travel in one minute, which is 7920 feet.

    Then you divide the 7,920 feet by 60 to get how far per second and you get roughly 132 feet.

    It only has to travel 60 of the 132 that it would normally travel in one full second, so now 60 divided by 132 is around 0.458 seconds to reach the plate.

    I have created a website service that is adding information daily about baseball and techniques and best practices. I suggest you take a look at the article on "Fielding" at and feel free to email me with any questions at This is a professional service that I provide for the public so that we can educate kids just like you who are trying to pursure their dreams. Good luck and hope to hear from you.

    - The Professor

  5. you could be like a bunch of the kids on here and just tell everybody that you throw 95+

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