
Is there any white wine served at room temperature and any red wine served very chill?

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Is there any white wine served at room temperature and any red wine served very chill?




  1. Most white wines are served chilled to around 50 degrees.  Red wines are typically served not at room temperature...but at "cellar" room temperature which is 60 degrees.  Most houses are not 60 they do need some chilling as well.

    However, you should drink wine at whatever temperature you like.  Some people prefer to drink oaky Chardonnays at a higher temperature.  It's all a matter of personal preference.

  2. Chaque un a son gout. Drink your wine the way YOU like it. Right now, I'm enjoying a room-temperature 2002 potato wine (white). If you want to be traditional, beaujolais is a red wine that is served chilled.

  3. Typically, white wines are served chilled, and reds are served at room temperature. However, I like ALL of my wines chilled. If you like your wines chilled, serve them chilled. If you like your wines at room temperature (or slightly below) then serve them that way.

    It's all a matter of personal tastes. If a guest complains about how you serve your wines, invite them to host a dinner and serve the wine the way THEY prefer.

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