
Is there anybody out there who has a learning disability who has successfully completed college?

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Is there anybody out there who has a learning disablity who has successfully completed college? If so how far did you go in college? Did you go to college part time or full time? Where did you go to college? Did they have a program for learning disability?




  1. In the past it was hard Now schools allow more time for students with a learning disability. I have a friend who obtained extra time to take the bar exam.He is now a lawyer.I myself took a long time to get my education. Many state Colleges have special programs. Good luck and do not let the extra work hold you back.

  2. I will be successfully completing college in one year.  I went straight to college out of high school. I go to UC Berkeley full time.  We have an AMAZING program for disabled students, DSP - Disabled Students Program.  It services people with physical, mental, learning disabilities as well as people with chronic diseases and conditions.  There are lots of different services available and what you get depends on what you work out with your DSP adviser.  I get time and a half on exams and quizzes in a separate low distraction environment.  I also get copies of lecture notes from a student who DSP pays to be the class note taker.  We have lots of kids with LD accommodations at Cal and the professors have be seriously supportive and understanding in my experience.  Good luck!

  3. I do and I'm at are local community college and they work with me when ever I need it and the teachers all know and give me extra time and what ever else I might need.

  4. i dont remember what college, but my cousin went full time, now hes completed college and hes autistic

  5. yes many people have-

    knew one that got 2 masters degrees and plans on a doctorate-

    he went full tiem for hi sundergrad and part time while working full time to get his masters

    there was no special program-only accommodations throguh the disability services office

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