
Is there anybody who hates the Olympics and they think we should put an end on it from once all?

by  |  earlier

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I'm asking this just out of curiosity.

I'm not included in this group.

I love the Olympics (look at the number of questions about the Olympics I have answered).




  1. I love it. It's a great sense of unity within the world. Two enemies, uniting as one battling one another in SPORT, rather than warfare. In addition, we get the chance to see other unappreciated sports such as swimming, gymnastics, beach volleyball, table tennis, and so forth, when do we get the chance to see this? Lastly, it is just fun to watch with family and friends like the Superbowl.

  2. We really need to keep the Olympics.... its about the only venue where people from all over the world can get together in some spirit of appreciation for each other.  It's a nice 'time out' from the dispiriting effects of global politics, economics and conflict.  

  3. The Olympics can never be stopped. It will continue on after we pass on. Humans have always had a thing for competing. We compete for love, money, happiness, things, ideals, comfort and most of all survival. It's just human nature...

  4. Nooooo... I Love the Olympics. I have a friend that thinks its a waste of time, but its just because she's a lazy bum and cant compete in any sports so she gets mad.

    Tv just seems boring now that the Olympics are over =(

  5. I don't necessarily hate the Olympics I just do not like the way things come about. The olympics run for 16 days I think, and it swallows the whole essence of tv 6 months before it and 6 weeks after it. In my personal situation basic cable consists of 53 channels I mena why do the olympics have to run 24 hours a day on 4 different channels? It doenst make sense, and as a result every commercial is olympics this and that and I get tired of it, and all for what?, so you can see your country's social standing against the rest of the world, luckily I don't get upset when my country loses to some other person in another country who can amazingly stand on a beam better.

  6. Love it, there's an argument that says the Olympics brings the world together and can maybe help solve the world's problems. Bit simplistic but what else can we do.

  7. i didnt watch the olympics at all this year. i think that they need to stop it only b/c theres alot of violence and teriotist attacks that are happening around th world. but thats the only reason why i think that they should stop it

  8. Oh, I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who are "so opposed to commercialism and evil capitalism, blah blah blah..." but they're in the minority, and frankly, I could care less what the whiners say about the Olympics.  

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