
Is there anyone currently playing AFL with a worse reputation that Alan Didak?

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Please tell me if there is because i can't think of one.




  1. Barry Hall, for his 2 KO in a season(2008)

  2. Nope. A pity for him Wayne Carey and Ben Cousins aren't there to take that cake!

  3. No it looks like karma caught up with him after getting off so lightly for the shooting incident in Melbourne.

  4. No, he is an absolute idiot.

  5. Proberly Barry Hall..

    He is the only one that comes to mind..


    is worse than Didak


    he is awsom and HOT


  8. ohh please


  9. nope he is a dope

  10. not off the top of my head, but i could name a few in league

  11. Well, Alan Didak was found drunk in the company of Christopher Wayne Hutchinson, who murdered a leading Collins Street lawyer (Brendan Kiernan who left a wife and three young children) who was trying to defend the lady he (Hutchinson) was bashing.  If it wasn't bad enough to be mixed up with a man convicted of one count of murder and two counts of attempted murder, on the lady and a Dutchman - tourist who also went to the ladies assistance and almost lost his life; he (Didak) has also lied to his club (Collingwood) Authorities. That is, Chief executive Gary Pert, President Eddie McGuire, Head of Football Geoff Walsh and coach Mick Malthouse as well as his team mates about being present when team mate Heath Shaw, drove his car up the side of a series of other cars damaging them. This occurred after a day - long drinking session at the Geebung Polo Club Hotel at Hawthorn. Heath Shaw had a blood alcohol reading of 0.14 - three times the allowable limit in Australia.

    Both Didak and Heath Shaw's brother Bryce Shaw lied about being in the car. Both of these players have been suspended for the remainder of the 2008 season. Both will not play for Collingwood in 2009. They will be traded away to other clubs in the AFL (Australian Football League) and Collingwood will Endeavour to get some more dedicated players in return.

    It should be pointed out that the team had agreed not to drink as part of its' game preparation for the up - coming game next weekend against another Melbourne AFL team St Kilda. This is important, as it is critical for one of these two sides to stay in the top eight and therefore to play off for the finals. Collingwood has been a troubled club for some years and this event won't help. However, getting rid of these undisciplined players and making a new start could be just the start that Eddie McGuire & Co needs to make to turn the club around.

    Rather than focus on who is the worst at the moment, and this would be hard to beat, I think that the Collingwood Club officials should keep heading down the path of getting rid of badly behaved, poor performing players. This way the Collingwood Club can return to the position where it can hold its head up with dignity and say "We have got a decent reputation." even if they don't with the Grand Final.

    For the full story go to the Australian at

    Read "Didak to be boned by the Pies"


  12. I can't think of anyone either.

    If Chopper reed was playing footy, he'd probably outweigh Didak with his reputation - just!

  13. Didak was an idiot for lying, but I have to say, even though what he did was unacceptable, if it was a player from another team that was in the same position, he probably wouldn't have been as scrutinised. Let me repeat, I do not condone what he did!

    There are other players on the field who have worse reputations, like Dean Solomon and Barry Hall, as someone else said.

  14. Ummm, lets think...maybe BARRY HALL.  He's such a loose cannon, he could crack it, hit someone in the temple and kill them on the field. My kids watch the football of tv and they actually SEE big bad barry hit people.  They don't see Didak sitting in a car which is being driven by someone else who is, yeah, in my book Barry Hall is much worse.  Didak is just stupid.  Hall is mad.

  15. Errrrr.....Hate to say this but I am a Swanee.....Barry Hall??  Enough said!

  16. Barry Hall, Daniel Kerr... should I go on?

  17. After the last couple of days, I'd say Eddie Mcguire, he has totally embarressed not only himself but his club

  18. IT would be a toss up between Barry Hall and Didak they're both stupid players who don't know when too stop, they have both done stupid things that have cost them and there teams. Also Lozz..mapies girl I don't believe that just because he plays for collingwood he got more publicity if any high name player from another club  had that many bad incidents eg. hanging out with a killer, lying about being in a car drunk etc there would be just as much attention to  that player. Didak in particular got a lot of media attention because he has firstly lied and secondly he is a highly rated player with many off field problems!  

  19. I guess if various clubs were investigated thoroughly, there would be at least one or two fellas with worse records than Didak. Even the mighty Cats have a couple, and their blood is blue!

    I would set the investigators, however, on the club immediately north of the state of AFL headquarters, there seems to be a lot of players there who've had misdemeanours swept under the rug. On and off the field. .

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