
Is there anyone else out there who does not like to eat out?

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I am not a foodie person, and I genuinely have a dislike of going to restaurants etc. Given that these days eating out is becoming more and more common, I have accepted that this is something that I will just have to put up with to be sociable. There was a time when people would smoke because it was seen as impolite not too, and that is how I feel re going out to dinner. Is there anyone else out there like me?




  1. Sammy Kapoor in Pakistan feels the same way you do. But he is a bumblebee, so he might sting you real bad.

  2. Well, I wish you would say what it is you don't like about eating out, because maybe there could be ways to reduce it. Are you concerned about being served unhealthy options, because you could scope out a couple of places that have something healthy you like and then suggest those places when friends want to go out. The same type of plan could work if you don't like a lot of the options at restaurants--some people just like a few things they make at home, but if you find any dishes you like out, then just suggest that place. I have a friend who is really picky, and several friends went out to the same place like 12 times last year because it's all she likes, and we didn't mind. If you don't like the "public" atmostphere, you can seek out some restaurant layouts where you might be more comfortable.

    For myself, I LOVE eating out--i can't cook all that well, so restaurants offer variety, and they bring it to you, and you can sit across the table from people in a nice environment, talking (my apartment is too small to be so comfortable sitting at the table for a long time) AND then no dishes to do. But i'm sure there's some people who feel like you do, I'm just curious about what you don't like about eating out.

  3. I dislike eating out for many reasons. The main reason is that I cannot really know what I'm consuming unless I prepare it myself.

    The Muse

  4. I HATE eating out. I have no idea why, I just feel... trapped with all the people around me. It's too loud, and the food is normally ick.

  5. kind of. sometimes i just have to go cause my boyfriend and friends want to even though i dont want to. but i go in sweats and i have fun being with the people even though i sometimes hate going out to resturants.

  6. Yeah I hate it, but for a different reason... I have a really small appetite, and literally find it impossible to finish most meals, plus now i get really self-conscious that I look rude in not finishing the meal, so then it's even harder to eat it all cos i'm so stressed. Causes me grief every time...

  7. my mum doesnt like to eat out, she finds most food overpriced and poorly prepared, and the portions are usually too big. she does enjoy preparing good food though, and i think stuff she makes is usually better than most restaurants.

    my dad used to be a 'eat to live' person rather than a 'live to eat' person, rather like yourself

  8. I don't either come to think of it for the same reason, I don't need to put on a 'show' for anyone and cringe when I see others do, plus with all the violations the restaurants get I really don't want to eat out not knowing the cleanliness of any restaurant.

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