
Is there anyone else out there who doesn't drink alcohol?

by  |  earlier

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Or am I the only one?




  1. Yes. Most of the world, thats not in College.

  2. I'm 19 and i hate it, i can't stand the taste of it in most of its forms and my family loves it so i hate my taste buds but if you drink a little everyday, i've heard that you can become accustomed to the taste.

  3. yes. my mother.

  4. I don't, it's for religous reasons.

  5. kids

  6. I don't, except for New Years. I can count on one hand the amount of times I've been drunk.

  7. I don't, I despise the taste, smell, and effects of it.

    You arent alone :)

  8. Yes

  9. I have a frozen Mango Margarita maybe once a month ... and that's about as often as my husband has a beer.  I can't even stand the SMELL of beer, much less the taste:) ........I'd rather drink coffee, and he'd rather drink iced tea

  10. I dont drink at all. I used to try to have a beer or drink but everytime I do, I just get really, really sick. It's just not worth it.

  11. I'm 28 and I don't. My husband's 27 and he doesn't. We both have alcoholic fathers. We're also Christians.

  12. Uhh...yeah. Althought it's tempting for some reason.

  13. I don't drink alcohol much now because I have dedicated my health and well being to track. I don't think I should drink anyways though because I am not even of age to do it. I think in moderation alcohol is not that bad for you and you just have to pick the right kinds of it, but who really drinks alcohol for the health benefits? I mean usually(especially at my age) people drink it to get drunk and drunk only.

  14. i'm 17 and i don't

  15. the only alcohol that i dont drink is isoprophyl and ethyl. lol. ^_^

  16. my dog doesnt drink!

    he's cool.....

    wanna hang with him??

  17. No, you are not the only one.  You can have a great time without drinking and the best part is you remember it.


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