
Is there anyone else that thinks this?

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I think that it is REALLY stupid when people say that you will find the right person, or the right person will come along sooner or later. Then when you find them you will know.

That is the furthest thing from the truth. Look at the amount of people that get a divorce... 60%!!! Then look at the amount of people that never find anyone... around 15%, which isn't HUGE but is still not small either.

Does anyone agree with me that that is the stupidest answer to give someone for dating advice? And anyone who dissagrees tell me why (in an intelligent manner please. Thanks.)




  1. I really think that people  mess up and lose that special person. ''The right one''

    They either take them for granted, cheat on them because they were immature when they met them (timing) etc...

    I think that people should wise up and appreciate what they have.

    Instead of thinking ''the grass is greener on the other side''

  2. I used to be horrified hearing about arranged marriages.

    In the past 20 years I have become very good friends to people from societies that arrange marriages . . .they look for different things than a guy with his p***s or girl with a v****a.

    Guess what? the divorce rate is very low.

    Something to be said about that and when I see the issues with my daughters, I wished I could have found their husbands. Perhaps they may end up being the right ones.

  3. its true

    i thought my husband was the one

    know i think its more.... "cant live with cant live without"

    or maybe thats just because he told me to stop wasting my vast amounts of time on yahoo answers....


  4. Meeting a right person and marrying him/her,does not mean living happily everafter.Tht happens only in fairytales.You fight with your spouse,hav endless arguements and at times even feel like pushing him/her off a cliff.But tht doesn't mean he/she is not the right person for you.Fights are normal in a healthy relationship.What matters is the love lying underneath.

    But nowadays,most young couples simply file a divorce for petty reasons.First of all,they make hasty decisions to marry without thinking as to whether they are ready to spend an entire lifetime with him/her.Then,they keep fighting over every silly matter tht comes across.I kno someone who went for a divorce just bcoz,her husband didn't pick her up on time from office,since he was caught up in a meeting.Now,how silly is tht! I agree,some causes of divorces are genuine,but mostly,its the other way round.

    Look at our earlier generations.They had much more patience and understanding.They always looked before they leapt.Hence less number of divorces.

    People who don't find anyone remain so,bcoz they don't actually try to find someone or bcoz they hav loved and lost  and fear to tread into those waters again.

    So,when people say,you will find the right person,they don't mean,your clone will come along one day.What they mean is,you will find a person who is compatible with you in many aspects,though not all.You shud be mature enuf to understand tht,Tony !

  5. Depends on where you are at that moment, whether one would think it's stupid.

    Now, I'm thinking for those that get a divorce, They just took that long to find out that, that wasn't the person for them.  For those that are still looking, think about where you're looking and where you have looked and with what mentality.

  6. Did everyone getting divorced wait for the right person?  Doubt it.  People get married because they're pregnant, people get married at 17 yrs old & they're totally clueless, people get married for financial reasons, people get married because they need a sense of security.  THOSE are the divorces you're talking about.  Since you're into percentages how many people that waited & KNEW it was right are getting divorced?  I had plenty of opportunities to s***w up my life & I didn't take them.  I'm 37 and just got married last month.  No kids.  I think I know what I'm doing.  I waited for THE ONE & yes I knew instantly.  

  7. I still believe there is a true love out there. Just one person in this whole wide world that God appoints for me. Shoes come as a pair.  

  8. dude that is just how someone is trying to be nice. do want them  to say instead that sucks your a loser. no, nobody wants to hear the truth. if u want to fall in love u have to go and search for love.

  9. I believe there is a right someone for all of us out there, the question is how to find them. I also want to say divorcing does not necessarily mean the right people were not together, there are so many factors that makes or breaks a relationship. Things like habits, communication, respect, fidelity, support, working life, etc.

    The right person comes along or sometimes they have been there, but you just did not know they were right.  It all comes down to how you conduct yourself and your potential partners. Do you take care of you, have you taken care of your emotional self, have you buried your past relationship baggages, are you looking for love or you are ready to be loved because you love yourself, your confidence?

    That special someone comes when you least expect it, sometimes in thefunniestt of places, however do not start relationships fromthe clubss and bars, follow up with some more dates and please keep yourself worth the effort of the chase or the next date.

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