
Is there anyone else who cant stand being inside when the weather is good?

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Is there anyone else who cant stand being inside when the weather is good?




  1. its made to be outside, but i also love the rain

  2. Me. When it is a good day I am doing something I do not like to do. When it is a bad day I am free to do what I want. So many things can happen on good days. I do not like staying inside when there is a good time waiting outside.

  3. It doesn't bother me as I burn too easily.

  4. when its sunny i wanna be outside with the sun on my back i can alway have the showers indoors.te he

  5. Good as defined :cool, sunny,smells great-you are so right!!I have to be smelling the roses=]

  6. Well, too me, good weather is when it's raining or when it's cool outside and you can see clouds in the sky. :) One of the things I want to do before I die is to be able to sit ontop of a mountain and just watch the view.

  7. Me, that's why I try to work outside in the summer.

  8. i love the Great Outdoors

  9. I sure can't stand it but sometimes im so tired from the work week that i just have to stay home & recharge.

  10. I long to be out side when the weather is nice, that sun just beckons  me to come and usually I  go.

  11. I love being inside when its sunny. If thats what you mean by good weather. I'll be outside if it cloudy or rainy though.

  12. I think it such a waste to be indoors when you can be feeling the wonderful sun and smell the flowers.

  13. Yes that's HORRIBLE! Especially when you can't find anything to do. Except visit Y/A

  14. Yeah I hate it too :)

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