
Is there anyone else who finds it amusing that the guy in this picture is the one who ?

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says in the article "there's no way I came from an ape."

He's the one in the middle leaning on the table.




  1. That whole article is so stupid that words cannot explain. Who is that written for, Middle America. Does the media really think that we are that stupid that we need to be coddled and spoon fed.

  2. No, he looks like a normal young man to me.  

  3. i don't find it amusing.

  4. I find it extremely amusing and telling that you find it amusing.

  5. I find it amusing and unsettling... sigh.  I love living in Florida.  That almost makes me want to become a high school biology teacher, instead of my original plan as being a high school social sciences teacher.  I love debating that topic.  He looks like a transitional fossil himself.  He doesn't realize how close he is to our ancestors. lol

  6. ^_^ sorry can't resist.

  7. HA HA! I almost shot Mountain Dew out of my nose. Lime Kitty you are good for a laugh!

  8. xcarlymeganx.. that WAS harsh.

    But I admit I laughed.

  9. Perhaps he's convinced he can still have viable offspring with an ape and is therefore debating whether speciation has yet occurred.

  10. It'd be funnier if he was leaning on his knuckles...

  11. Highly amusing--and confirms my general feelings for football players.

  12. hehehehe!

  13. Gorilla in the Lab.

  14. No.  

    First, if you mean to infer that he looks like an ape, I don't see the resemblance.

    Secondly, making fun of the appearance of someone who may have beliefs different from yours says much more about you than it does about him.  

    Fortunately, his teacher sounds like a man of character who wants him to have a good understanding of biology. I doubt that he makes fun of his students.

  15. Because dirt and incest is soo much better. >.>

  16. LOL

    Its highly ironic!!!!!

    He looks more ape like, then actual apes!

  17. That's not nice.  But I applaud the Florida Board of Education.

  18. haha yeah! look at that brow ridge!

    (not that I should talk)


  20. Truth sometimes hurts.

  21. ROFL!!!!  And the Ape and walrus answer was even funnier!!!

  22. Never thought I'd see the day when an ape and a walrus could sit at the same table.

  23. "I ain't no effing monkey teacher (student scratches himself), and I don't swing from any gosh darn trees (as he eats a banana)."

  24. Aww, c'mon that's a bit harsh.

  25. I think it is sad that teachers have to p***y-foot around reality to pander to the delusions that have been forced down kid's brains.

    How long will it take before society will grow out of this?   How far must the US fall behind in bio-tech before people realize how asinine it is to deny reality?

    In Austria and Germany they have laws making it illegal to claim that the Holocaust did not happen.   There is ample evidence that it did, but a section of society wants to ignore reality and brain-wash kids into believing that it is something that the Jews just made up.

    Seriously.   How is this different from evolution/creationism today in the US?

    People have freedom of religion, but do they have the freedom to tell falsehoods to the youth of America?

  26. Wait- did Sloth get facial reconstructive surgery?  He looks like sloth from the Goonies.

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