
Is there anyone else who is deeply spiritual, but not religious?

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I believe being spiritual and being religious are two totally separate things. Are there a lot of people who share this belief? I believe that religions are human attempts at interpreting the spiritual beliefs of the few...and that despite that fact that they are largely well intended, and largely "good" overall, they inevitably get polluted by human ideals, the need to control the masses, the need to influence behaviour toward a belief system developed by patriarchs...

Although I know in my own self the presence of God, and have clear and distinct knowledge of my own deliberate creation, I feel as though religion can actually say to people "If you want to know God and get to heaven, you must know me and do it through me - your human teacher - P.S. - follow these rules..." And then, once people are exposed to (I feel) certain outlandish ideas presented by so many organized religions, they end up actually getting deprived of spirituality all together.

To make matters worse, people get a load of all the different religions and say "Wait a second, I've got all these HUMANS standing in front of me - each with their own book saying 'but mine is true and the others are false!' and I'm supposed to believe that one of them is somehow perfect and the others are completely out to lunch???"

I believe spirituality and a relationship with God to be so deeply personal that they need not be understood or justified with anybody. I found God simply by opening my mind. I didn't need the help of a single human to do it. So - how radical is this? Or - how common?




  1. The truth is that Jesus is God.  

    Jesus is not a religion.  Jesus wants a personal relationship with you.  That's spiritual, not religious.  Sometimes when people say they desire spirituality and not religion, deep down what they're saying is that they don't want to be told what to do by God.  

    Jesus is only asking that you believe that He died for your sins on the cross and rose again.  That is the only step necessary to have your sins forgiven, and to be in heaven when you die and to avoid being sent to eternal h**l.  It starts an eternal relationship with your Creator  :)

    Please pray now: "Jesus, please forgive me of my sins. I believe that You died on the cross for my sins and You rose from the dead. Thank You for eternal life!" You will be in heaven with Him forever when you die :)

  2. I won't laugh I think God can & is found in all things. I am spiritual not religious. I feel the presence of the Creator all the time not just when I use to go to church Mother Earth is my church now.. I feel my connection to all all the time.

  3. Chris - you are only proving Zesty's point , you obviously have found God through religion, but she's saying that religion is taught by humans, so , then Jesus isnt telling anybody anything , everything Jesus said or did comes out a book that your dad or your priest reads is it wrong to look at a dude holding a book & say, I'm not reading it now matter how much you try to convince me that God is in there because i think thats not rational or even sane.and not reading that book does NOT make me a bad or blind person.also, if you want to know how nonreligious people feel about Christians, i just have to ask you how you feel about Mormons? bet you think they must be dead wrong, well thats just many feel about Jesus & the bible, and for just about exactly the same reasons.its not nice to say that your brand of God is better than his.

  4. I am deeply spiritual, and religious, but I recognize that they are two different things. God is a spirit, but God is also truth, and when you have found the truth, you have found God. What I have done, is I have gone through many religions, asking God to reveal to me which is the truth. I believe that I have found the truth, but I won't tell you what it is, because you need to find it alone with God.

  5. Did you see the Matrix?  There is a line that says "it is the question that drives us," not the answer.  You say you didn't need the help of a single human, but then you look for confirmation.  Learn to trust what you know because the moment you ask the question  . . . .

  6. Yeah, that pretty well sums it up...people will be people.

    If you've had the experience of God, who can gainsay that?  What further clarification do you need?  It sounds like you've had that experience in spite of the mind-clouding stuff people toss in (for their own purposes and agendas).  Truly spiritual people, those who have had the experience of God, are quite rare, and often thought of as "mystics".  Most people (and I saw a poll on this) don't believe that they can have a personal relationship with God.  They don't think He speaks to them directly and listens directly.

    But yes, I've had the experience of God, so I know where you're coming from.

  7. All these words * spirituality and religious are man made and there is no one who is religious and has got some knowledge of sprits.  Man should be a normal man and should not talk on religions and spirits.

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