I believe being spiritual and being religious are two totally separate things. Are there a lot of people who share this belief? I believe that religions are human attempts at interpreting the spiritual beliefs of the few...and that despite that fact that they are largely well intended, and largely "good" overall, they inevitably get polluted by human ideals, the need to control the masses, the need to influence behaviour toward a belief system developed by patriarchs...
Although I know in my own self the presence of God, and have clear and distinct knowledge of my own deliberate creation, I feel as though religion can actually say to people "If you want to know God and get to heaven, you must know me and do it through me - your human teacher - P.S. - follow these rules..." And then, once people are exposed to (I feel) certain outlandish ideas presented by so many organized religions, they end up actually getting deprived of spirituality all together.
To make matters worse, people get a load of all the different religions and say "Wait a second, I've got all these HUMANS standing in front of me - each with their own book saying 'but mine is true and the others are false!' and I'm supposed to believe that one of them is somehow perfect and the others are completely out to lunch???"
I believe spirituality and a relationship with God to be so deeply personal that they need not be understood or justified with anybody. I found God simply by opening my mind. I didn't need the help of a single human to do it. So - how radical is this? Or - how common?