
Is there anyone else who thinks that the NBC Olympics gymnastics commentators are coming off as whiny?

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Whenever the US fails to get gold, it's either the fault of the judges, the tie-break system, and/or the alleged under-aged opposition.

These might be valid points and issues that should be addressed, but to discuss them so soon after or even contemporaneous to the event itself is a little ridiculous.




  1. Yea, they are, I'm a little annoyed at them complaining about how it's all unfair and trying to find all the wrongs that may or may not exist. BUT, they are commentators, merely doing their jobs and expressing their opinions (as whiny they may sound).

  2. They may be coming off that way, but it seems there has been a lot to (legitimately) whine about.

    While the tie-breaking system was already in place and should be understand by competitors, the scores were unfair. Same with the vault competition. And while many people thing the age thing shouldn't be an issue, it really is. Not only should people just follow whatever rules are set for them, but this gives any team who does not follow the rules an unfair advantage. Of course these tiny, too young girls have an advantage as they are 4'8" and weigh 72 pounds versus women from other countries who have hit puberty and are larger.

    I may not agree with an age limit in general, but since it is set, every team should abide by it and shame on any country that will allow (and apparently encourage and enable) the competitors representing their country to cheat in order to win.  

  3. Yes, just look at my question here:;...

    Edit: How can we change the channel if NBC is the only channel showing the olympics in america... geez

  4. Ridiculous?   You want to talk about whats ridiculous, talk about the judging of these events. Obviously biased judging......

    Is NBC commentators being whiny? Well if that is what you want to call it. Then my response to that is no more than Australia's and the British commentators, as well as other countries with english based news. You are only watching the comments made by American commentators based on american Athletes. if you have Satelite dish and have international channels as well you would also see that the commentators of other countries are expressing the same "whiny" comments as you depict NBC commentators to be doing.

    Some of these Gymnast have virtually a flawless performance. Yet the technical difficulty may not necessarily be equal. But when the Chinese Gymnast fall or crash on a landing they are deducted 2/10Th's or 3/10 Th's of a point. Anyone else crashes or so much as doesn't stick a landing and they are  deducted 1/2 point +. Not to take away from the Chinese Gymnast, They have done a great job as a team as well as individual. But so has the American gymnast. The Chinese performance as a team was unbeatable, no doubt they deserved the Gold. But they feel apart and made many mistakes in their individual. On the other hand the American Team Fell apart as a team performance, but their individual certainly topped the Chinese performance. They weren't falling all over the place like the Chinese were in the individual.

    Conclusion........ My opinion the judging was unfair in several of the events, but not all. When there is a panel of judges, can certain judges form a biased opinion upon certain Athletes? Of course they can.

    Can a judge remember the wonderful performance or thedisastrouss performance of a certain athlete 3 days ago react to their judging today as being eitherlenientt or harsh due to their performances in the past. Yes they can. Judges favorites are always judged with more forgiveness. That goes with the territory of judging in sports, as in any kind of Judging, the Justice system is the same way. Yes judges can be unfair and biased. Regardless to their Oath, they are human and as Humans, they too, have personal opinions that often blur their judgement.

    Resolution, My opinion, the panel of Judges should be altered in each event so that the same judge is not judging same athletes multiple times to where they can form a biased opinion on a certain athlete or team. These Athletes work to hard and dedicate their life to this sport and it should not be thrown away or all the hard worked destroyed because of the negligence or bias of certain judges. Another thought...... Not only can judges form biased opinions, But they can also be bought. you people out there think that not possible, open your eyes, judges are bought all the time, some are caught some aren't, but it does happen.

    The World knows the controversy of the under aged Chinese athletes. Why is there no investigation? ha ha.... First off, they are all still in China, and to accuse China of cheating, there is a good chance you won't be leaving China anytime soon.  Not to mention it could create a international conflict.

    In China, it is not like here in America were you can openly voice your opinions against the Government or much of anything else. You do best to mind your P's and Q's while in China. They can and will do anything they want with you. They can detain you, confinskate your passport or make you disappear for speaking out against the government or anything that might cause others to rise up and speak out against the government. They quickly try to dissolve anything or anyone that might be considered potentially  offensive towards the Government or country. I have traveled to and lived in China over 20 times over the period of 15 years. Though china is opening up to the world, they still very much suppress their people and manipulate their people and deceive their people and try to keep their people ignorant to the rest of the world. They try too and do control the internet as much as they can, they have and still do manipulate the television and the news in which is reported as to what and how it is reported. It always amazed me how I could watch the news in China about a certain event in the world. Then get on a plane and fly to Japan, Korea or back to the US, and once out of China the whole story changes and is not at all they way the Chinese news reported it. Or the reported news in China is often only half of the story. Chinese population as a whole are wonderful, cultural individuals, but when it comes to the Government or Government run Companies. The corruption is ramped as is the judging in these events. Look to see more protesting and more people speaking up after they leave China, in the coming weeks. There is a time to speak out and a time not too.

    With that, I'll close on this issue.  

  5. Not at all, Nastia clearly beat He Kexin in the uneven bars, and their complaints were completely justified.  A monkey can see that they are underaged.  Wow . . . Gou Jingjing and Wu Minxia look to be exactly their stated age yet the gymnasts look to be younger than 14.

  6. I'm pretty sure Serbia commentators were whiny when Michael Phelps won.. Everybody does it. Also, I think one of the announcers for the Gymnastics is a g*y.. The guy who sounds feminine.

  7. oh good god.... they are not only whiny but bias!!!

    They underestimate every other competitor out there, those commentators seem to be in the mind set that the Americans are the team the beat!!

    This is why I watch the olympics on live streaming online, no commentary or someone else's bias opinion!

  8. "Is their anyone else who thinks you idiots that post these questions about people being whiny, are whiny?

    If you don't want to hear it, change the channel."


    "They may be coming off that way, but it seems there has been a lot to (legitimately) whine about.

    While the tie-breaking system was already in place and should be understand by competitors, the scores were unfair. Same with the vault competition. And while many people thing the age thing shouldn't be an issue, it really is. Not only should people just follow whatever rules are set for them, but this gives any team who does not follow the rules an unfair advantage. Of course these tiny, too young girls have an advantage as they are 4'8" and weigh 72 pounds versus women from other countries who have hit puberty and are larger.

    I may not agree with an age limit in general, but since it is set, every team should abide by it and shame on any country that will allow (and apparently encourage and enable) the competitors representing their country to cheat in order to win."

    i couldn't agree more with these answers

  9. Agreed.

    They just keep complaining and/or are address issues that don't really matter (the black smudges on the Volleyball player).  

  10. Is their anyone else who thinks you idiots that post these questions about people being whiny, are whiny?

    If you don't want to hear it, change the channel.

  11. "I'm pretty sure Serbia commentators were whiny when Michael Phelps won.. Everybody does it. Also, I think one of the announcers for the Gymnastics is a g*y.. The guy who sounds feminine"

    AgreedI'm sure China would be roaring if Nastia took it away and we know Serbian commentators were mad!

  12. They complained and complained. I doubt that they would have mentioned it half as much if it had been Nastia that took gold.

  13. my thoughts agsctly;...;...

  14. Don't forget: "coming in first" ---Shawn JOHnson in FX. They say Shawn Johnson could have won gold if she performed last. Haha.

  15. Oh my God Yes!

    The gymnastics and diving announcers are completely anti american. They just talk about how horrible the americans are doing and how great everyone else is....Oh and I just want to say that We got jipped on the Vault competition. How does a chick who falls gets the bronze over us. Freaking retarded.

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