
Is there anyone here who has NEVER gotten a speeding ticket?

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Is there anyone here who has NEVER gotten a speeding ticket?




  1. You may not believe this but every time I got caught I simply apoligzed profusely and got only a warning. Kindness along with a little luck helps I guess.

  2. me too well thats because I ride  a bicycle I dont drive!

  3. Me =) Although ive only had my licence for just over a week, so i dont think i really count :P

  4. oiu moi.

  5. Never had a ticket of any kind in 41 years driving, you want to know my secret? I obay the laws of the road

  6. Over here, no speeding ticket as of yet.

    Been driving for 9 years.

  7. Me I have been driving 21 years. The reason I do not speed! I'm the person you all flash for doing 55 in a 60 zone, but guess who has no points and never has had any? MOI!!

  8. Nope Never Got a SPEEDING TICKET. I have had my lisence for like 6 years now and I speed all the time everywhere. Want to know my secret????? Get a radar detector. Make sure its a beletronics. They are soo much better than Cobras. I even went speeding on my way past a police station and ran the red light lol They never caught me. They only kind I ever got was for my windows. I got 3% tint all the way round. Its illegal where I live lol l8tr

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