
Is there anyone in your life who waits on the sidelines to watch whenever you falter?

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Is there anyone in your life who waits on the sidelines to watch whenever you falter?





    I am sure that everyone has these types of people in their life.  Personally I like to refer to them as Chupacabras the link below may better help you:

    but generally speaking these people are unhappy and it may be best to ignore them or limit your time with them if possible.   

  2. no...

  3. Sounds like you've already met my mother.

  4. Well, if there is someone there, patiently and silently cheering for my downfall, they are sitting in a place where I can't see them.

  5. Some people in college but I don't give 'em a d**n!

    I guess that's the only way to go about it. What do you do?

  6. That would be sadistic, but I think the intention of your question is different... so... no... no guy does that-- else, it's a fairytale.

  7. My evil step-mom!!!!!!

  8. yah my father. im taking a year and a half out of college to become a hairdresser for a little more indepenence and money an hes telling everee one im a college drop out ♥  

  9. yes, my family. Everytime I make a mistake, my family puts me down. But I don't care, because my g/f always cheer me up :-)

  10. There are always vultures in the distance, even if you do not see them.

    There is a great deal of  misery in this world, and so, people require something--anything!--to ameliorate circumstance.

    There is a form of consolation available to everyone: to look at the plight of those in, yet, a much worse position than your own--which allows us to feel that we, in relation to them, have it 'better.' (as stated by Schopenhauer)

    With that said, your success brings happiness to yourself; your failure brings happiness to many.

    Nothing new here.

  11. I am a goalkeeper.

  12. Just a family member or two. And I ignore their delight when I falter. I am quite independant and don't take much personally.

    I don't keep friends who are like that, so it's just family ...  

  13. Heck yea!!

    It's very annoying, you probably have an idea already since you asked this question. But once you prove em wrong, its the best feeling in the world

  14. No. I hope not.

  15. No, nothing like that. But I do have a Twinner out there that I'm confident would help me should times get tough.

  16. No, but there is always someone out there who wants you to fall.

  17. Probably, somewhat for all of us.

  18. Perhaps, only if they were trying to make you falter?

    Wouldn't others be too pre-occupied in trying not to falter themselves? :]

  19. In-laws. And that one girl I think I might hate.

  20. yes, fake friends.

  21. Heck no...I would never falter...When there is true love you wouldn't even think about it.  Love honey

  22. and laugh at me, ya, my terrible parents, since i started to walk

  23. I am very lucky Syd.

    I have a brother  (see the definition of knucklehead) who seems to balance me and always finds a way to be there when I need him.

    Not always the way I'd

  24. There is, but He is also waiting to pick me up when I fall!

  25. Oh yeah.

    I think we pretty much all have these people.

    I think the best thing we can do is pick ourselves up with grace and act like you couldn't care less. Then maybe they'll feel stupid for attempting to make your every fault a huge deal.

  26. I have not yet though about that or seen one.But if at all there is any,then am sure they must be wasting a lot of thier precious time.

    Thank you for asking dear.

  27. There is indeed.

    It's daunting at first. But you become almost immune to it after awhile.

    I think an initial response is to embark upon that never-ending quest for perfection ... until of course, you come to the realisation that it doesn't exist, and it's all a matter of perspective anyway.

    Don't become too disheartened - some people will just never be pleased!

  28. Yes, but I don't let it get to me.  Her main thing is having a job and making more money than me, so when I was unemployed she would rub it in big time.  It really sucked because she was dating my fella's best friend and even tryed to go as far as accuse me of stealing her man.  She's crazy none the less, and when he found that out, he broke up with her.

    She has now since left me alone, but I don't gloat about what I do have becasue I'm grateful for my man and the jobs I have now.  I'm not working here or dating so-and-so to get to the top, I'm doing so because I enjoy what I do and I love my fella.

  29. Yeah one guy at work... Believe it or not, this guy... actually has mails saved as drafts... different mails... each describing "how sad he feels" when my projects go bad... I mean... Hes actually saved em in case he needs to send out to all... One bad report and zip comes one mail from him..... phew....

  30. I'm sure there are.

  31. My band director. And he does this literally and non-literally.

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