
Is there anyone more stupid than the president of Georgia?

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Is there anyone more stupid than the president of Georgia?




  1. The bloke up the street that has built a weed-ridden "roundabout" in his front garden probably has more sense than whoever is in charge of Russia.

  2. The president of Russia.

  3. Yes, you.

  4. yes, the president of russia

  5. Its so easy to stand back and criticise another especially when do not have the responsibility for millions . looking at his problem i would not quite know what to do . On the one hand he has a people the Osseanes that his country helped and protected 7 centuries ago stealing a large track of his peoples land and trying to take it back into Russian influence that it has taken half a century to get from under  , he has offered them autonomy but they have point blank refused so how does he keep such a large portion of his lands falling back into Russian hands without violence. Not a problem i would like to solve , and i certainly would not stand back and say how easy it all is.

  6. A serious answer to your question.

    Don't look at the Georgian, or even US president like individuals, who can rule a country and make serious decisions. They are not the ones who make them. There are higher Powers. They are just the people who sign papers, cut red ribbons, smile alot and stuff like that.

    A little more on the issue:

    Georgia is a small country and has been under the control of Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union. President Shevarnadze was Russia's man. Then came the Rose Revolution, which was led by local Georgian NGO's sponored by the Soros foundation (USA). Saakashvili and his party governed by the US overthrew the Georgian government and are still getting payed official salaries by the Soros foundation.

    Georgia is the second post-soviet country that the US has siezed control of. The other one's Ukaraine (Orange Revolution).

    Russia was mad. This spring US tried to sieze control of another post-soviet country, the naighbour of Georgia - Armenia (Dance Revolution). This attempt was unsuccessful, because Russia had strong roots in here. Inocent blood was shed in Armenia.

    Now, in this region (Georgia, Armenia, Azerbayjan, Turkey) there is another conflict back from 1988. Azeris want Karabakh (An autonomy freed by Armenians in 1994). This is an open war. Ceasefire agreement was signed between the two nations, but it ended in 2004. The Russian government which is "ruling" Armenia doesn't want peace in the region, because it would mean open-borders and super-fast development of the region. This region is in a very stratigic geographical place. It connects Russia, Europe and Iran. The Russians obviously want straight access to Iran through Armenia), US wants its Allies near Iran.

    US will do everything to keep Georgia. Of course US doesn't care about how many Georgians will die, what will happen to South Osetia, thats why US is acting very slowly and carefully allowing the conflict to end in it's own (if it is possible). US doesn't want a direct war with Russia, but that is also a possibility.

    People, we are in a war! There is a war going on between Russia and USA since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Think about how many small conflicts like these have we seen during all this time (Kosovo was the last). And all of them, all of them are connected directly with Russia and USA. And no matter what country you are from, you are a part of this war. You are either on one side or the other. Call this WWIII if you want.

    And to finish this I will give you one more reason for the Georgian conflict.

    Russia has many small regions inside it (just like S. Osetia) which want independence. Russia has always wanted S. Osetia, but also feared that if S. Osetia freed itself peacefully from Georgia, all the other small regions inside Russia would want to follow that example. So now Russia is demonstrating its cruelty and showing them what will happen, if they have a problem with Russia.

    Also, for people who think that the pro-western or Russian media aren't telling the truth. Of course they aren't. Pro-Western media is controlled by the ....... let's say, Power that is ruling the West. The Russian media is controled by Roman Abramovitch, a close friend of Vladimir Putin. Don't belive the media, try to take information from both of them and carefully analize it and you'll be closer to the truth

  7. The president of Zimbabwe. Everyone who supports the sneak attack by Georgia. Hypocrites in general. Politicians in general are as stupid.

  8. Hmm...Rhymes with Tush

  9. Barrack Obama, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, John Edwards, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Howard Dean, Rosie O'Donnell, Bill Maher, Ariana Huffington, George Soros, Barbra Streisand, Michael Jackson, Margaret Cho, Janeane Garofalo, Alec Baldwin, Sean Penn, Laurie David, Al Gore, Tim Robbins, Susan Serandon, Maxine Waters, Oliver Stone, Rev. Wright, Father Pfleger, Anna Nicole Smith, Paris Hilton, Sheila Jackson Lee, Cynthia McKinney, Al Franken...I'm sure there are more, I just don't feel like typing anymore names.  

  10. russia and us presidents

  11. Can't agree more with Robert B: the hypocrites who supported Georgia 's attack are definitely more stupid.

  12. I think their president is incredibly brave and intelligent, but you can't help but think he is also a bit naive. I think America are only backing Georgia to assert their influence in the Caucasus.

    There is no way America are going to be dragged into a conflict with Russia, even it means upholding the values of democracy. They just cannot afford to.

    I think their president needs to realise America's promises are often empty.

    Having said all this, I heard an interview with the Georgian President on CNN and he speaks english excellent and seems to be very passionate about what he values and of course his country.  

  13. Yes - a number of them post at Yahoo! Answers

  14. The Director of the CIA who appointed him?

  15. The president of the Philippines... She's trying to break away the country into pieces by changing it to federal type of govt.

  16. the president of USA

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