
Is there anyone on here except prepubescant kids or kids that never matured past that level?

by Guest31756  |  earlier

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Is there anyone on here except prepubescant kids or kids that never matured past that level?




  1. Yes but we are far and few between!!!!

  2. Yes. I am here. :)

  3. Yes!  I'll be 58 @ the end of the month, although sometimes my maturational age ranges from 7-9 years; it's just something about getting double-digit when I've perfected snivellin' & whining & pouting so well.  LOL.

    I came here to this site today because community service is my full-time job.

    I am what is known in the community as a "vocal local!" and worse. I study & work for the advancement of projects which fit the following criteria:

    A)   They cannot benefit me, particularly monetarily, on a personal basis; and,

    B)    They are "good for the community."

    Recently, in a hotly contested local hospital matter, I became the speaker for the "loyal opposition" to the town's moneyed interests; helped to organize & recruit volunteers to the annual Hiawatha Forest Spring Clean Up; and, manage a computer literacy project for people 30 years of age & older.

    That leaves me plenty of time to support, by personal lobbying,  the passage of US House Bill 5740 - 2008 GI Bill, which would provide enhanced educational benefits to the returning military veterans.

    I'm also circulating a petition for the November ballot to amend the state's Constitution to provide health care coverage to the uninsured.

    There's so  much to be done everywhere in our towns & cities.  And, each of us is endowed with particular gifts no one else has.

    All it takes for evil to prosper is for good people to do nothing.

    And, I love my beautiful, little flawed City so much, the Mayor wants me to move out of town!

    Please, understand that this is not about me, but about YOU!  Your love may be for art, or children, or elders, or the environment, or politics, or libraries.  Use that gift that is your's and spread it to others, particularly the young.  They need the good example from their elders on how to effectively make their world better.

    Have a wonderful day!  And, if you  look around & into your heart, I'm quite confident there's some meaningful way you can change the world; and, the rest of us will be quite grateful for your generous efforts.

    Justice, then Peace,

    Mary Elizabeth NIchols

    Saint Ignace, Michigan  -  US of A

  4. I could have written this question myself.  I just joined and am fastly becoming disillusioned.  But I find myself disillusioned with the whole concept these days of faceless communication and overstimulation.  I'm only early 40s and feel the language is deteriorating into mindless babble too fast for me to keep up.  Everyone wants to be noticed.  Everyone wants to be on tv or in the media (this too).  It's getting depressing really.  How could so many people be so without shame or self-consciousness?

  5. 52 here. The adults are just not as vocal as the kids.

  6. I wish I were in puberty (again) and I know I'm more mature then that. Perhaps you should learn to exercise a bit of patience.

  7. 43  but I know what you mean - I think a lot of the questions asked are just for shock purposes but there are some interesting ones thrown in between.

  8. Me and a handful of other bored adults.

  9. this is the internet...

    sorry, but get over it.

    and really, what answers would you expect out of your question?

    thank you.

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