
Is there anyone on here who doesn't go to the movies?If not,why?

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Is there anyone on here who doesn't go to the movies?If not,why?




  1. I honestly have not been in a movie theater since "Dances With Wolves" came out.

    Just a few annoying people talking, laughing with each other distracted me, and I missed many main points in the film that I later saw on video at home.

    i can rent a video, watch it back-track to things I'm curious about, have a 35 cent can of soda over ice and 10 cents worth of home cooked popcorn, and save $15.00 and relax and enjoy myself!

  2. I love the theater I think its much better on the big screen then on a tv because if I watch a movie at home then I'm tempted to go off and do something else and not pay attention to the film that much.I go to the theaters atleast 2 times amonth. The only time I wont go is if its a movie that looks stupid that I could wait for it to come out on dvd.  

  3. Well, I rarely go to the movies!  It has to be a matinee (before 6pm weekdays or before 2pm weekends).  I refuse to pay the full price of an evening ticket.  It's ridiculous!  

    Plus, these days movies aren't as "good" as they once were-so I can usually wait until it's on dvd.  Which isn't too long to wait.  

  4. i dont because im 16 and my parents wont let me go out.

  5. I prefer staying at home, relaxed on the sofa. For me to go it must be a really good movie worth watching on the big screen, am talking about scenes and soundtrack, the type like LOTR or Kingdom of Heaven.

  6. I love movies, have a huge DVD and VHS collection, but not particular on going to the theater anymore.  Think I've been 4 times in the last year.  Crowds, rude people, talkers in the theater, lines to get in the theater.  Cost is not a factor, as I'm pretty choosy which movies I'll see in the theater, but movies are pretty costly here in Miami.

    I have a nice home theater, so the ability to pause, rewind, adjust volume, and timing in which I want to watch something is great.

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