
Is there anyone on here who moved to LA from somewhere else?

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I live in Florida now and I'm thinking of moving out that way soon. I just got my AA and will be going back for my bachelor's next year. Can you tell me what your living situation is like? Are you struggling finacially? Any advice for me before I decide to move would be appreciated.

Also, I have family there now, so I won't be out there all alone. I am ready to relocate somewhere else and I chose there cuz I know people there.




  1. I moved here after grad school and am now used to the expense.  I live in a large house I nearly own free and clear.  Life is a financial struggle, but hey, we are in a recession (if not worse).  LA is very different and is a wonderful experience not to be missed.  As our world grows smaller, I don't think there's such a huge difference, but when I came here, it was as different as it would have been to move to Europe.

    I always missed my family, but as a woman in a "man's profession," I could not have made out so well anywhere in the US but here.  Now I feel about ready to get out of the rat race.  But I have been here for 39 years.

    Suggest you try it, especially since you know people already.  When you get a job, live nearby.

  2. im moving to LA from NY

    my dad has a really good job so we're okay

    but you need to have some money to live most places around LA

    if you mean buying a house in outside LA area

    if you mean an apartment you can rent and it isn't bad

    florida and cali are really different

    florida is so laid back and no one really cares what you have (well expect maybe miami)

    in cali, there is so much competetion.

    people care what car you have, the clothes you're wearing, jewerly, where you live, what your job is.

    its very sallow but its LA

    but then its good because you always get the best of everything because everyone trys their hardest to be the best

  3. Hi!  I moved to LA from Georgia around 10 months ago.  I have my bachelors degree and am halfway through my masters program.  I live in a 1 bedroom (less than 700 sq feet) apt and I pay $1302 a month.  I am definitely struggling financially - I work full time as a publishing editor for DeVry University and I still have to have a weekend job to make ends meet.  It's very hard, between gas, food, rent and other bills.  Plus, if you want to do anything fun you have to set aside money for that as well.  It's been a hard transition for me, and I knew people here before I moved too, but it's so different from the East Coast and my immediate family is so far away.  It's a big decision but if I could go back, I would have considered moving to a city a little closer to home and not as expensive.  Like Austin, Nashville, or even the Charlotte/Raleigh area.  The cost of living here is just really unbelievable and you have to be making pretty good money to be happy here.  

  4. born and raised here...  I did a stint in jersey for 6mths and Az...  and now seriously considering leaving this cesspool  and going north

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