
Is there anyone on this topic who can post without slander?

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Geez, it seems like bullets are flying every which way here. Am I the only one left who can speak about an issue calmly without resorting to stereotypical/prejudiced/racist/sexist jabs? Seriously people, wtf.

Do you honestly think insulting others and their parties gets people on your side or are you just douche-bags? Or are there other reasons? I would sincerely like to know.

(Just in case you're wondering, I'm a libertarian-leaning centrist who's the child of an angry-racist-white-Republican-father and an angry-racist-Democrat-Vietnamese-mother. Loler. --and yeah though they hooked up they don't like each others' races lol... among others.)




  1. I agree the people on here really have anger issues!

  2. When u are growing up in a whitey scum family how often do u hear the words ?

    ni-g - ger and fuking Mexican before u got it down pad. Are u given a choice on whether u want to be whitey scum . Or do u have to follow the family tradition.

  3. Because people are insecure egomaniacs who see any disagreement with their views as a personal assault. Very few people are capable of admitting that some of their views might not be what's best for everyone or understanding how the policies they'd like to see enforced would effect the average Joes and Janes in this country and around the world. Maybe its too much for them to think about.

    Or they could just be douche bags.

    I seriously can't stand election time, which is why I haven't watched tv in four months. Neither candidate will change much in this country because both parties are bought out by the same corporations.

  4. i honestly like getting under the skin of liberals...i'm certain they feel the same way about irking i think it's important to try to convince my fellow man about how I think things should be..It's important for people to be connected to their governments lest the government will burden the people it was intended to serve...but mostly just like making libs mad...look at today...liberals were going to have a wonderful day today..their man had a great speech last night,..then, BAMMM!!!!! SARA PALIN!!! WOOOHOOOO!!! oh man, was that a kick in the teeth to libs..i'm still giddy over it all...

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