
Is there anyone out there besides me feel strange having to vote a presidents last name that is Foreign? ?

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Maybe Obama should change his name to Jefferson or Washington .. Then maybe I would vote for him.




  1. i wouldn't put it past him he already considers himself on par if not above those two maybe he should just call himself barack christ or change his middle name to barack the one obama.

  2. its not just his name . He was reportedly born in a foreign country

  3. What's your definition of "Foreign"?  By "Foreign" do you mean a name that doesn't sound white?  

    Unless you're a Native American then you're name was "foreign" at one time or another here, too.

    We're not going to get anywhere as a nation, or a planet for that matter, while we're still holding onto the "us vs. them" mentality.  

    I'll have no problem voting for Obama in November, because I'm voting for him based on his policies and his intelligence and his judgement and not because of or in spite of his name.

    PS.  Yes, US Presidents have to be natural born US citizens.  Which Obama is, because he was born in Hawaii, which IS a US state, in case you weren't sure about that, either.

  4. Why don't you worry about the issues instead, and vote your conscience?

    Or you could continue to worry about last names. While you're at it, worry about skin color and gender, too. And family size! And how about how many houses each of the candidates own?  

  5. McCain is Scottish isn't that foreign as well?

  6. He's our next pres, get over it!


  7. Is that in reference to those in California who voted for the Austrian guy who played the "Terminator"? Oh, but he is considered a caucasion, and that must be alright. Well guess what, the Terminator can't run for president. And no, I'm not a racist, but seems you've taken issue with a birth name. I can think of a lot of names more revolting than this and they claim to be American. Born and bred here who act like terrorists. Some of them are in fact right here. Mr. McCain was born in Panama.

  8. You might be becoming  a relic

    Jump aboard there is still room

  9. I have another suggestion. He should return where he came from and nobody would object to his lovely name.

  10. You should not not vote for him because of his name.

    You should not vote for him because he is an unqualified, racist, separatist, socialist post turtle from Illinois, product of the most corrupt political machine to ever exist!

  11. Hmmm, care to provide the name of ANY American President that was NOT foreign?  

    I certainly don't recall any American Presidents with a Native American name...

  12. See what happens when you place more emphasis on your looks than actually studying in school.

    Here's a hint. The glue is not for huffing.

    But you do make a point. Not a good one but one none the less.

    That is why I won't be voting for McCain. His V.P. choice has a foreign last name. Well that and shes a secessionist.

    Have a nice day.

  13. What?  Everyone's last name was foreign at one point, unless it's an American Indian name.  

    He was born in the USA.

    Obama/Biden 2008!!!!!

  14. So in other words, you only feel comfortable voting for Native American Indians?  

  15. Are you really American? that same silly argument was brought up for all the Irish, and the Polish who ever ran for office. Hey -- unless your name is Sitting Elk, you have a "foreign" name too. We're all immigrants here. Did you sleep through civics class again, dearie? You know, they have books that will teach you how to be a real American.

  16. That is stupid. McCain is a foreign name as well. Look it up.

  17. How about Homer Simpson?

  18. im canadian

  19. umm no..and we're all foreign ..remember?

  20. thats shallow......and sad..........and pathetic.

  21. For one to even become president you have to be a natural born citizen....and McCain is foreign and so is Plain..I meant Palin  

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