
Is there anyone out there who hasn't questioned their partners fidelity?

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Have you questioned your spouses fidelity? Have you ever wavered in your marriage? Not necessarily cheating but flirted or pondered the idea? How long have you been married?




  1. We've only been together for 2 yrs.  I haven't thought of cheating.  It's not something I'm capable of.  I guess I questioned my husband when we first met but only because I had a bad experience being cheated on before.  

  2. yea i have questioned his fidelity...

    never wavered

    thought of it

    been married years

  3. Actually, at the moment I am. No marriage is perfect. We have been married 3 years this December. Her actions make me question how much she loves me. But I hope, I am just wrong. If I'm not, it would hurt me a lot. I know she isn't physically cheating on me, but emotionally cheating could be another story.

    I have thought about being with another woman. I love my wife and my kids with everything I have. I work extremely hard so they can have everything they want. It's not that I don't love my wife, but being with another woman has crossed my mind. You would be surprised at how many women don't mind the fact that I am happily married. But if I did cheat on her, I'd lose her and my kids. That is to big of a sacrifice that I'm not willing to make.

  4. I have been married for 22 years.  I am 39 and was married at 17.  I do not advocate this.

    I have never questioned my husbands fidelity.  However I have had an affair.

    I told my husband!  It created a situation that allowed us to examine our relationship, and we are closer for it. I also do not advocate an affair.

    Even though it has worked for us, it took about 3-4 years for the effects of the affair on our relationship to dissipate.

  5. Were Humans and c**p happens, Sometimes we just need to be held real tight....even if its just flirting! Everyone does it at one point in their life's. But as the saying goes, Everything happens for a reason,right! I have cheated, flirted and so has my boyfriend! but we do love each other and we understand, that things just happen sometimes, we all mess up!  It really depends on whats going on in your life at that time. Sometimes we can control what happens, and sometimes we have no control over at all! But it doesn't mean that we don't love each other .  We have been together 15 years!  

  6. No,I haven't coz he hasn't given me an oppurtunity to.

    Haven't wavered nor do I intend to.

    Married for six years and the spark's still shining bright :-)

  7. Imagine many on the internet would find my answer hard to believe ... No, I have never questioned my husband's fidelity.  He is so honest and so transparent that if anything ever happened or were about to happen, I would know.   As a matter of fact, this quality that can most times be endearing gets him into a lot of trouble.

    Neither of us has ever wavered in our marriage -- of course we have had our problems just like everybody does in ANY relationship.  

    We recently celebrated our 23rd anniversary.  Sometimes it feels like we just got married, other times we seem so comfortable together that it feels like we have been together for a lifetime.

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