
Is there anyone out there who is a Surgical Physician Assistant?

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I am stuck between neither being a Doctor or a Cardiothoracic Surgical Physician Assistant or a Neurosurgical Physician Assistant when I get to college. What can a Surgical PA do in the operating room? I been to the american association of surgical physician assistants website and it really didnt answer my question. Is the job rewarding? While working as a Surgical PA can you also work in Family practice so you can diagnose and treat everyday sicknesses?




  1. Unless you go to one of the few dedicated surgical programs, a general PA program will graduate you as a Family Practice PA and then you either do s surgical specialty residency or train on the job.  So technically you could do surgery & work as a family practice PA; but in reality most do not.  The reason is 1. too much knowledge to keep up on  2. surgical PAs also manage patients pre & post op on the floor and the ICU as well as first assist in the OR and do the vein harvests by themselves.  SO there just isn't time to do both for most.

    I have known both neurosurg & CT surg PAs and both generally like their jobs.  They are very highly paid but they are a lot of work.  CT PAs are in great demand as well.  It is a technical heavy (procedure oriented) job as well, so if you like to work with your hands its a good one.

  2. I am close to several PA's and they enjoy it a lot. one of the benefits is that they work under a doctor's direction and have no malpractice insurance to pay! they can still prescribe medications and diagnose patients.

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