
Is there anyone that can tell me how Gustav is effecting you?

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  1. A lot of wind and rain.

  2. I'm near Galveston, Texas and we've had a good day, but it's a little breezy now. God bless everyone in harms way.

  3. I lived on the West Bank of NOLA for 20+ years. Not only do I have a lot of friends there, but a daughter, 2 grandsons and 1 great grand daughter.  I know they are safe, but I also know that their neighborhood is flooded and that they are losing everything. I know that one of my friends lost his boat, since he's a fisherman, that means he has lost his livelihood. One of my grandsons is a Carpenter/cabinet maker. Had to make a choice between his truck and tools, and camper and family. There will be lots of work when he gets back, but,,,,how does he do it with no tools? I know that the one time I've been back since Katrina, it was only the New Orleans area that they tried to rebuild, the West Bank and outlying areas were left out and will be this time also. Watch the weather channel, talking about, down town Canal St. Fr Quarter  they are losing signs and traffic lights, some hotel windows, I'm so sorry for them..after all my friend doesn't need to fish, my grandson doesn't need to build homes or cabinets, they don't count. Anyway to answer your question, the way it is affecting me is indignation that the little people, the less known areas, and not rich or politically important  don't matter.

  4. It screwed up my day, lol I woke up tthis morning with ropes cracking on deck, decided I'd get up and turn on my webcam so people could watch, lololol

  5. well i live in a trailer and wear about to get hit by the hurricane but its getting weeker but I'm still scared that the trees will fall on my house but my girl friend lives in sunset louisiana and i think thay got hit very hard and i havent herd from  her and I'm worryed i just want her to know that i love her and that shes okay so for me it sucks ***

  6. after viewing katrina, and all the stuff the u.s went through, plus poor president bush, if i ever say hurricane i start to vommit, i honestly have not been keep taps. i am a regular news watcher, when current and regular events happen, i get a little upset, shock and stund, it also tell me that im alive. and these thing happen, but i believe that hurricane is done. will wait for the next , and i done know when life will get better for us in a hurricane. weather events such

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  7. I have a twitch in my left eye due to Gustav.LOL

  8. hey girl, you know where I'm at..........the bottom of Mississippi and were getting some strong wind gust and alot of rain.  Obviously we still have power :o) and I'm hoping that's all we R U doing?

  9. For myself it isn't just yet. We will get some of the fallout though. My heart goes out to all those in this time of need though. My prayers are with each and every one of them. LOL

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